Rajesh Singh Sisodia wrote:

Targetting any relgion is not secularism.In Vedas or in ancient societies "The hindu 
society was equitable". Krishna and Sudama were inmates of the same school is 
testimony to equitable education. Now do you find Krishna and Sudama.Lord Ram ate eaten 
fruits of Sabri, Can the even dalit capitalists dare to do that today?
The situation deteriorated after the british rule.
Rajesh Singh Sisodia

Ajay wrote:

i hope you will not claim manusmrithi and geetha and other texts that justify caste system and set code of enforcement of varna system written by British!!!!! we calling Hitler as murderer of 60 million people even though he him self not involved in any killing!!!!! it is the same reason we calling bramisam and upper caste are the culprits of this endless violence against Dalits! peace,

J.venkata subramanian wrote:

The water that comes out from a particular soil will have its colour.
Let us see what wikipedia says about this author
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udit_Raj "Among his more controversial activities are mass conversions to Buddhism, Islam and Christianity; making disparaging statements about aspects of Hinduism; and his marriage of a woman from a higher caste despite his visibility as a Dalit activist.[citation needed]" ------

(Emphasis mine.)- also this

"Commenting on his marriage to Seema Raj, from an upper caste (Khatri/Punjabi Kshatriya), he 
said "I am very dark, almost black, but my wife is as fair as an English woman and I must say 
that although ours was a love marriage in which her intrinsic qualities mattered more than looks, I 
found her fair skin very attractive".[5"

I am a saddened man with these kind of Harijan detractors. On the one hand they 
promise their followers heaven in an alien religion. And make them convert. 
There will be resistance to this also. And the result will be distortions, 
divisions, quarrel and corruption. But the leaders are deaf to to these 
sufferings as the evangelist money keeps them happy.

We have a long list of such Harijan heroes. They are created beings. For the entire benefit of Evangelist organizations. They are a perfect smokescreen for clandestine conversion.

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