there is a way to have a "parent" tag with flexible= true that have a
collection as child?


    <tag1>a</tag1>  <!-- i haven't mapped this tag -->


    <mapping name="root" class="Root" ordered="false" flexible="true">
<!-- N.B. i don't map TAG1... i use flexible=true to avoid problem to
unknown tags -->
        <value name="tag2" field="tag2"  usage="optional"/>
               <collection field="items" factory="Root.itemsListFactory"
                    <structure name="item" type="Item"  ordered="false">
                          <value name="title" field="title"
usage="optional" />

Flexible=true works fine, but when i have a collection as a child JIBX give
me an error in a compilation phase.
It tell me that all child must have a "name". But collection doesn't have
it.. becouse "name" is declared in the "structure".
How i can tell JIBX to ignore TAG1?

This behaviour is very usefull, because sometime who generate the feed add
new tag ora attribute without advise who read them.

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