On 10/08/2015 04:49 AM, Jaroslav Bachorik wrote:
Please, review the following change

Issue : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-7199353
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jbachorik/7199353/webrev.00/top

I think #2 in the rules listed in "Reconstructing an instance of Java type J from a CompositeData" section needs some clarification/rewording.

#2 says if J has at least one public constructor with j.m.@CP....
- in fact J has at least one public constructor with either j.m.@CP or j.b.@CP....

I think it's more appropriate to mention j.m.@CP takes precedence in #2 instead of adding the "For backward compatibility...." paragraph.

What about removing the new "For backward compatibility paragraph,...." and update #2 as something like this:

2. Otherwise, if /J/ has at least one public constructor with either j.m.CP or j.b.CP annotation, then one of those constructors.... be called to reconstruct an instance of /J/. If a constructor is annotated with both j.m.CP or j.b.CP, j.m.CP will be used and j.b.CP will be ignored. <continue with the rest>

The existing tests are modified to use j.m.annotation.ConstructorProperties. Can you remove java.desktop from @modules list if the test no longer depends on java.desktop.

The new package.html file: should use package-info.java instead.


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