> On Oct 27, 2015, at 6:36 AM, Alexandre (Shura) Iline 
> <alexandre.il...@oracle.com> wrote:
> I have created two separate reviews:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shurailine/8140336/webrev.jdk9.02/
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~shurailine/8140336/webrev.jake.02/


I have pushed webrev.jdk9.02 to jdk9/dev and webrev.jake.03 to jake.

>> test/java/lang/ProcessHandle/TEST.properties
>> - which test references types in jdk.management?   If there is only a couple 
>> of tests depending on jdk.management, better to use @modules in those 
>> individual tests instead.
> The dependency is coming through java/lang/ProcessHandle/JavaChild.java. 
> Three of five tests in the dir use it: InfoTest.java, OnExitTest.java, 
> TreeTest.java.
> Yes, I could update just the three tests, but since JTReg will compile all 
> the classes in the dir, the compilation for the rest of the tests will fail 
> if no jdk.management present. Instead I would rather have the fix as it is 
> right now and have a separate bug to fix this later. Which is what I was 
> going to do.

That’s okay.  Just need to make sure the java.management dependency is removed 
when  JDK-8139430 is resolved.


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