
Building on the idea presented here (the part that talks about method ''assumeAccessOf'):


...which tries to solve the problem that some modules have when they don't know in advance the name of the module(s) to which to export its packages for reflective access and they just want to export them to the selected module(s) - i.e. use qualified exports.

The canonical example here is an application module, say "app", that is coded against an API module, say "javax.persistence" which just defines the API, but at link or assembly time, the module that implements such API, say "hibernate-core" is added which needs access to "app" classes using reflection.

The API module ("javax.persistence" in this case) usually also contains a bootstrap (factory) class, which is responsible to bootstrap the API and bind it to the implementation. In case of javax.persistence it is javax.persistence.Persistence class with a static createEntityManagerFactory method, which finds and instantiates an EntityManagerFactory implementation. This point is an opportunity for javax.persistence module to delegate its permissions to access classes in other modules to the module of the implementation class:

public static EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory(String persistenceUnitName, Map properties) {

        Class<? extends EntityManagerFactory> emfClass = ...;


        EntityManagerFactory emf = emfClass.newInstance();

        return emf;

So for example, app module could export its entity package(s) to javax.persistence module only:

module app {
    requires javax.persistence;
    exports private app.entity to javax.persistence;

And the ability to access this package would be transferred to the implementation module by the javax.persistence module. The implementation module is in fact just an extension of the API module and the API delegates to it or is extended by it.

java.lang.Module instance method:

public void delegateAccessTo(Module module) { ... }

...would be similar to addExports or addReads. It would only be possible to call it from 'this' module (i.e. a module could only delegate access given to it - not access given to any other module).

When SecurityManager is present, then there would additionally have to be a permission assigned to codesource of javax.persistence.Persistence class for it to carry on the delegation.

I think this is safe and sound, and most importantly, self-managing.

What do you think?

Regards, Peter

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