
Sorry for delay. I was on vacation last week.

I plan to review the changes tomorrow.


On 2016-11-28 17:47, Karen Kinnear wrote:
> Alan,
> I reviewed all the hotspot runtime changes
>  - except the tests (Christian will review those)
>  - and jvmti - which Dmitry Samersoff will review.
> They look good.
> thanks,
> Karen
>> On Nov 28, 2016, at 9:32 AM, Lois Foltan <lois.fol...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> I have reviewed the hotspot changes and they look good.  Minor nit, 
>> src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp only differs by the addition of a 
>> blank line.
>> Thanks,
>> Lois
>> On 11/24/2016 10:25 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
>>> Folks on jigsaw-dev will know that we are on a mission to bring the changes 
>>> accumulated in the jake forest to jdk9/dev. We can think of this as a 
>>> refresh of the module system in JDK 9, the last big refresh was in May with 
>>> many small updates since then.
>>> The focus this time is to bring the changes that are tied to JSR issues 
>>> into jdk9/dev, specifically the issues that are tracked on the JSR issues 
>>> list [1] as:
>>> #CompileTimeDependences
>>> #AddExportsInManifest
>>> #ClassFileModuleName
>>> #ClassFileAccPublic
>>> #ServiceLoaderEnhancements
>>> #ResourceEncapsulation/#ClassFilesAsResources
>>> #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes
>>> #AwkwardStrongEncapsulation
>>> #ReadabilityAddedByLayerCreator
>>> #IndirectQualifiedReflectiveAccess (partial)
>>> #VersionsInModuleNames
>>> #NonHierarchicalLayers
>>> #ModuleAnnotations/#ModuleDeprecation
>>> #ReflectiveAccessByInstrumentationAgents
>>> Some of these issues are not "Resolved" yet, meaning there is still ongoing 
>>> discussion on the EG mailing list. That is okay, there is nothing final 
>>> here. If there are changes to these proposals then the implementation 
>>> changes will follow. Also, as I said in a mail to jigsaw-dev yesterday [2], 
>>> is that we will keep the jake forest open for ongoing prototyping and 
>>> iteration, also ongoing implementation improvements where iteration or bake 
>>> time is important.
>>> For the code review then the focus is therefore on sanity checking the 
>>> changes that we would like to bring into jdk9/dev. We will not use this 
>>> review thread to debate alternative designs or other big implementation 
>>> changes that are more appropriate to bake in jake.
>>> To get going, I've put the webrevs with a snapshot of the changes in jake 
>>> here:
>>>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~alanb/8169069/0/
>>> The changes are currently sync'ed against jdk-9+146 and will be rebased 
>>> (and re-tested) against jdk9/dev prior to integration. There are a number 
>>> of small changes that need to be added to this in the coming days, I will 
>>> refresh the webrev every few days to take account of these updates.
>>> A few important points to mention, even if you aren't reviewing the changes:
>>> 1. This refresh requires a new version of jtreg to run the tests. The 
>>> changes for this new version are in the code-tools/jtreg repository and the 
>>> plan is to tag a new build (jtreg4.2-b04) next week. Once the tag has been 
>>> added then we'll update the requiredVersion property in each TEST.ROOT to 
>>> force everyone to update.
>>> 2. For developers trying out modules with the main line JDK 9 builds then 
>>> be aware that `requires public` changes to `requires transitive` and the 
>>> `provides` clause changes to require all providers for a specific service 
>>> type to be in the same clause. Also be aware that the binary form of the 
>>> module declaration (module-info.class) changes so you will need to 
>>> recompile any modules.
>>> 3. Those running existing code on JDK 9 and ignoring modules will need to 
>>> be aware of a disruptive change in this refresh. The disruptive change is 
>>> #AwkwardStrongEncapsulation where setAccessible(true) is changed so that it 
>>> can't be used to break into non-public fields/methods of JDK classes. This 
>>> change is going to expose a lot of hacks in existing code. We plan to send 
>>> mail to jdk9-dev in advance of this integration to create awareness of this 
>>> change. As per the original introduction of strong encapsulation then 
>>> command line options (and now the manifest of application JAR files) can be 
>>> used to keep existing code working. The new option is `--add-opens` to open 
>>> a package in a module for deep reflection by other modules. As an example, 
>>> if you find yourself with code that hacks into the private `comparator` 
>>> field in java.util.TreeMap then running with `--add-opens 
>>> java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED` will keep that code working.
>>> A few miscellaneous notes for those that are reviewing:
>>> 1. We have some temporary/transition code in the top-level repo to deal 
>>> with the importing of the JavaFX modules. This will be removed once the 
>>> changes are in JDK 9 for the OpenJFX project to use.
>>> 2. In the jdk repo then it's important to understand that the module system 
>>> is initialized at startup and there are many places where we need to keep 
>>> startup performance in mind. This sometimes means less elegant code than 
>>> might be used if startup wasn't such a big concern.
>>> 3. The changes in the jaxws repo make use of new APIs that means the code 
>>> doesn't compile with JDK 7 or JDK 8. Our intention is to work with the JAXB 
>>> and JAX-WS maintainers to address the issues in the upstream project and 
>>> then bring those changes into jdk9/dev to replace the patches that we are 
>>> forced to push for the short term.
>>> 4. You will see several tests where the value of the @modules tag has 
>>> `:open` or `:+open`. This is new jtreg speak. The former means the test is 
>>> run with --add-opens to open the package, the latter means the test is 
>>> exported at compile-time and exported + open at run-time (the latter usage 
>>> will be rare, it's where tests have static references to JDK internal types 
>>> and are also doing deep reflection with setAccessible).
>>> In terms of dates then we are aiming to integrate these changes into 
>>> jdk9/dev in early December. I will send a follow-up mail next week on this 
>>> as we work through the logistics.
>>> -Alan
>>> [1] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/issues/
>>> [2] 
>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2016-November/010219.html

Dmitry Samersoff
Oracle Java development team, Saint Petersburg, Russia
* I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the sources.

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