On 03/23/2017 08:04 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 23/03/2017 18:44, Alan Snyder wrote:

If I understand JEP 264 correctly, it should be possible to direct platform generated error messages to locations other than the standard error stream (System.err).

Is that correct?

If so, would it not make sense for the default to be the (platform dependent) console log rather than System.err, which is used by applications for their own error messages?
System.Logger can be configured to send log messages to whatever logging library you are using. However, is is not appropriate here, ditto for several other areas where you don't want arbitrary code to execute.


Just a reminder that System.err field is "writable" and therefore System.setErr(PrintStream) can be used to redirect output to execute arbitrary code...

But I think that anyone using this technique has already been faced with re-entrancy issues and has already put checks into place to handle them (I know I have).

So I would recommend anyone using System.err redirection to test code running with '--permit-illegal-access' option.

Regards, Peter

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