On 12/05/2017 08:16, Langer, Christoph wrote:

Hi all,

while playing with the security manager (using -Djava.security.manager) in Java 
9 and testing platform modules that we have added specifically in our build, I 
came across the following thing:

As we are using some stuff from jdk.internal, I get the AccessControlException: "exception access denied 
("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "accessClassInPackage.jdk.internal.misc")" in several places, even if my 
code runs priviledged. I figured that I need to grant permission "permission java.lang.RuntimePermission 
"accessClassInPackage.jdk.internal.misc"" to my module. I was looking around where this restriction comes from and 
learned the following in the documentation of SecurityManager.checkPackageAccess:

Implementation Note:
This implementation also restricts all non-exported packages of modules loaded by the platform 
 or its ancestors. A "non-exported package" refers to a package that is not exported 
to all modules. Specifically, it refers to a package that either is not exported at all by its 
containing module or is exported in a qualified fashion by its containing module.

Reading this, I'm wondering whether the implementation should implicitly grant 
package access for modules that a package in question was exported to in a 
qualified fashion? Now one ends up having to additionally add specific 
permissions which can easily be forgot.

Any comments? Shouldn't that be improved?

I recall there was some discussion on this topic already - can you bring this to security-dev where the changes in this area were discussed/reviewed?


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