On 27/06/2017 08:24, Robert Gibson wrote:
Hi Mark,
What is the intended interaction between this proposal and Java Web Start? I'm 
testing with JDK EA build 175 and it looks like a VM launched through Web Start 
is running with --illegal-access=deny, with no possibility of changing it - is 
this by design? (I have filed a few bugs in this area in case it is by 
accident, but they are not showing up in Jira, or they are targeted for JDK 10 
which is obviously too late, if we are talking about unintentional behaviour.)

Applets and JNLP applications are intentionally launched with `--illegal-access=deny`. If JNLP applications need to break into JDK classes then the finer grained `--add-exports` and `--add-opens` options can be specified in the JNLP. The Java Control Panel can also be used to specify `--illegal-access=permit` if needed too.


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