Hi Alexander,

Have you tried to put a package-info.java into the exported package? It
might work.

Regards, Peter

On Jun 30, 2017 6:42 PM, "Alexander Udalov" <alexander.uda...@jetbrains.com>

> I'm trying to figure out how to compile a mixed-language (in this
> case, Java + Kotlin) JVM module and having a problem in case the
> module tries to export a package without any .java sources in it. The
> javac error I get is:
> src/module-info.java:2: error: package is empty or does not exist: foo
>     exports foo;
>             ^
> Now, through experiments, I found out that it's actually possible to
> workaround this error by
> 1) always compiling non-.java sources first, and
> 2) compiling .java sources to the same directory where non-.java
> sources are compiled to on step 1.
> However, with Gradle deprecating single-output directory builds for
> projects using multiple JVM languages [1], this workaround is not
> always going to be possible.
> Is there some other way to suggest to javac that .class files in a
> particular location on the disk are a part of the same module, so that
> it would be possible to export the package?
> If there isn't, would it make sense to relax the severity of this
> compiler message to a warning?
> Thank you in advance!
> Alexander
> [1] https://docs.gradle.org/4.0/release-notes.html#multiple-
> class-directories-for-a-single-source-set

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