
I stumbled on a problem of a maven plugin that uses JDK's JavaScript engine and doesn't work when maven is run with JDK 9 or 10. The code in plugin to initialize the JavaScript engine is as follows:

                    jsEngine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("JavaScript");
                    if (jsEngine == null) {
                        throw new MojoExecutionException("Can't create JavaScript engine");

ScriptEngineManager uses thread's context ClassLoader by default to initialize script service providers:

    public ScriptEngineManager() {
        ClassLoader ctxtLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

...and delegates location of providers to ServiceLoader API:

    private ServiceLoader<ScriptEngineFactory> getServiceLoader(final ClassLoader loader) {
        if (loader != null) {
            return ServiceLoader.load(ScriptEngineFactory.class, loader);
        } else {
            return ServiceLoader.loadInstalled(ScriptEngineFactory.class);

Maven seems to load plugins in a child class loader of the "system" (application) class loader and also sets this class loader as thread context class loader. ServiceLoader does not find any ScriptEngineFactory services when using this class loader.

The question is: Is this maven plugin's fault? Should the plugin load services using explicit "system" (application) class loader or should the ServiceLoader lookup strategy climb the class loader delegation chain and include service providers that are registered in system Layer too if given class loader is a descendant of "system" (application) class loader?

Before JDK 9, using an child class loader of "system" (application) class loader would locate system services, but since JDK 9, they are invisible to such child class loaders. Is this intentional? Would it be wrong if the lookup strategy was more "backwards compatible" ?

Regards, Peter

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