This is an small oversight and inconsistency that crept in when the ModuleLayer was updated to support multiple parents. The list of parent layers returned by the parents() method should be specified (and implemented) to return an unmodifiable list. It currently returns a modifiable list. The equivalent Configuration::parents is correctly specified, as is the Configuration::modules and ModuleLayer::modules methods.

The change proposed here fixes the javadoc and implementation. The compatibility impact is minimal as nothing could depend on being able to dynamically change the list of parents (as it can't be changed dynamically).

I've extended the existing tests to ensure that ::modules, Configuration::parents, ModuleLayer::modules and ModuleLayer::parents return unmodifiable collections. In passing, there is also a typo in the Configuration::modules where the javadoc says "immutable" instead of "unmodifiable".

The patch doesn't update the date in the copyright headers, I'll update those before pushing after the changes (and CSR) are agreed.


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