lianetm commented on code in PR #17440:

@@ -1277,10 +1284,12 @@ private void releaseAssignmentAndLeaveGroup(final Timer 
timer) {
         UnsubscribeEvent unsubscribeEvent = new 
         try {
-            // If users subscribe to an invalid topic name, they will get 
InvalidTopicException in error events,
+            // If users subscribe to an invalid topic name or subscribe an 
authorization topic,
+            // they will get InvalidTopicException or 
TopicAuthorizationException in error events,
             // because network thread keeps trying to send MetadataRequest in 
the background.
             // Ignore it to avoid unsubscribe failed.
-            processBackgroundEvents(unsubscribeEvent.future(), timer, e -> e 
instanceof InvalidTopicException);
+            processBackgroundEvents(unsubscribeEvent.future(), timer,
+                    e -> e instanceof InvalidTopicException || e instanceof 
TopicAuthorizationException || e instanceof GroupAuthorizationException);

Review Comment:
   uhm are we sure that swallowing TopicAuth and GroupAuth on close is the 
right thing to do? I could surely be missing something, but I believe it's not 
what the classic consumer does, see my comment on it on the other PR that is 
also attempting this 

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