hachikuji commented on a change in pull request #9100:
URL: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/9100#discussion_r490527627

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/cluster/Partition.scala
@@ -1246,6 +1364,50 @@ class Partition(val topicPartition: TopicPartition,
+  private def sendAlterIsrRequest(): Boolean = {
+    val isrToSend: Option[Set[Int]] = isrState match {
+      case PendingExpandIsr(isr, newInSyncReplicaId) => Some(isr + 
+      case PendingShrinkIsr(isr, outOfSyncReplicaIds) => Some(isr -- 
+      case CommittedIsr(_) =>
+        error(s"Asked to send AlterIsr but there are no pending updates")
+        None
+    }
+    if (isrToSend.isDefined) {
+      val newLeaderAndIsr = new LeaderAndIsr(localBrokerId, leaderEpoch, 
isrToSend.get.toList, zkVersion)
+      val callbackPartial = handleAlterIsrResponse(isrToSend.get, _ : 
Either[Errors, LeaderAndIsr])
+      alterIsrManager.enqueue(AlterIsrItem(topicPartition, newLeaderAndIsr, 
+    } else {
+      false
+    }
+  }
+  private def handleAlterIsrResponse(proposedIsr: Set[Int], result: 
Either[Errors, LeaderAndIsr]): Unit = {
+    inWriteLock(leaderIsrUpdateLock) {
+      result match {
+        case Left(error: Errors) => error match {
+          case Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION =>
+            debug(s"Controller failed to update ISR to 
${proposedIsr.mkString(",")} since it doesn't know about this topic or 
partition. Giving up.")
+          case Errors.FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH =>
+            debug(s"Controller failed to update ISR to 
${proposedIsr.mkString(",")} since we sent an old leader epoch. Giving up.")
+          case _ =>

Review comment:
       Since `INVALID_UPDATE_VERSION` is one of the expected errors at this 
level, can we add a separate case for it? For unexpected errors, we might want 
to log at warn level.

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/controller/KafkaController.scala
@@ -1763,6 +1768,143 @@ class KafkaController(val config: KafkaConfig,
+  def alterIsrs(alterIsrRequest: AlterIsrRequestData, callback: 
AlterIsrResponseData => Unit): Unit = {
+    val isrsToAlter = mutable.Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr]()
+    alterIsrRequest.topics.forEach { topicReq =>
+      topicReq.partitions.forEach { partitionReq =>
+        val tp = new TopicPartition(topicReq.name, partitionReq.partitionIndex)
+        val newIsr = partitionReq.newIsr().asScala.toList.map(_.toInt)
+        isrsToAlter.put(tp, new LeaderAndIsr(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
partitionReq.leaderEpoch, newIsr, partitionReq.currentIsrVersion))
+      }
+    }
+    def responseCallback(results: Either[Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]], Errors]): Unit = {
+      val resp = new AlterIsrResponseData()
+      results match {
+        case Right(error) =>
+          resp.setErrorCode(error.code)
+        case Left(partitionResults) =>
+          resp.setTopics(new util.ArrayList())
+          partitionResults.groupBy(_._1.topic).foreach { entry =>
+            val topicResp = new AlterIsrResponseData.TopicData()
+              .setName(entry._1)
+              .setPartitions(new util.ArrayList())
+            resp.topics.add(topicResp)
+            entry._2.foreach { partitionEntry =>
+              partitionEntry._2 match {
+                case Left(error) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setErrorCode(error.code))
+                case Right(leaderAndIsr) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setLeaderId(leaderAndIsr.leader)
+                    .setLeaderEpoch(leaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch)
+                    .setIsr(leaderAndIsr.isr.map(Integer.valueOf).asJava)
+                    .setCurrentIsrVersion(leaderAndIsr.zkVersion))
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      callback.apply(resp)
+    }
+    eventManager.put(AlterIsrReceived(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
alterIsrRequest.brokerEpoch, isrsToAlter, responseCallback))
+  }
+  private def processAlterIsr(brokerId: Int, brokerEpoch: Long, isrsToAlter: 
Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr],
+                              callback: AlterIsrCallback): Unit = {
+    // Handle a few short-circuits
+    if (!isActive) {
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.NOT_CONTROLLER))
+      return
+    }
+    val brokerEpochOpt = controllerContext.liveBrokerIdAndEpochs.get(brokerId)
+    if (brokerEpochOpt.isEmpty) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to unknown broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    if (!brokerEpochOpt.contains(brokerEpoch)) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to stale broker epoch $brokerEpoch for 
broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    val response = try {
+      val partitionResponses: mutable.Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]] =
+        mutable.HashMap[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, LeaderAndIsr]]()
+      // Determine which partitions we will accept the new ISR for
+      val adjustedIsrs: Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr] = 
isrsToAlter.flatMap {
+        case (tp: TopicPartition, newLeaderAndIsr: LeaderAndIsr) =>
+          val partitionError: Errors = 
controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo(tp) match {
+            case Some(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch) =>
+              val currentLeaderAndIsr = 
+              if (newLeaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch < 
currentLeaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch) {
+                Errors.FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH
+              } else {
+                Errors.NONE
+              }
+            case None => Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION
+          }
+          if (partitionError == Errors.NONE) {
+            Some(tp -> newLeaderAndIsr)
+          } else {
+            partitionResponses(tp) = Left(partitionError)
+            None
+          }
+      }
+      // Do the updates in ZK
+      debug(s"Updating ISRs for partitions: ${adjustedIsrs.keySet}.")
+      val UpdateLeaderAndIsrResult(finishedUpdates, badVersionUpdates) = 
+        adjustedIsrs, controllerContext.epoch, 
+      val successfulUpdates: Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr] = 
finishedUpdates.flatMap {
+        case (partition: TopicPartition, isrOrError: Either[Throwable, 
LeaderAndIsr]) =>
+          isrOrError match {
+            case Right(updatedIsr) =>
+              debug("ISR for partition %s updated to [%s] and zkVersion 
updated to [%d]".format(partition, updatedIsr.isr.mkString(","), 
+              partitionResponses(partition) = Right(updatedIsr)
+              Some(partition -> updatedIsr)
+            case Left(error) =>
+              warn(s"Failed to update ISR for partition $partition", error)
+              partitionResponses(partition) = Left(Errors.forException(error))
+              None
+          }
+      }
+      badVersionUpdates.foreach(partition => {
+        warn(s"Failed to update ISR for partition $partition, bad ZK version")
+        partitionResponses(partition) = Left(Errors.INVALID_UPDATE_VERSION)
+      })
+      def processUpdateNotifications(partitions: Seq[TopicPartition]): Unit = {
+        val liveBrokers: Seq[Int] = 
+        debug(s"Sending MetadataRequest to Brokers: $liveBrokers for 
TopicPartitions: $partitions")
+        sendUpdateMetadataRequest(liveBrokers, partitions.toSet)
+      }
+      // Update our cache and send out metadata updates
+      updateLeaderAndIsrCache(successfulUpdates.keys.toSeq)
+      processUpdateNotifications(isrsToAlter.keys.toSeq)
+      Left(partitionResponses)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Throwable =>
+        error(s"Error when processing AlterIsr request", e)

Review comment:
       Shall we include some details about the failed request?

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/controller/KafkaController.scala
@@ -1763,6 +1768,143 @@ class KafkaController(val config: KafkaConfig,
+  def alterIsrs(alterIsrRequest: AlterIsrRequestData, callback: 
AlterIsrResponseData => Unit): Unit = {
+    val isrsToAlter = mutable.Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr]()
+    alterIsrRequest.topics.forEach { topicReq =>
+      topicReq.partitions.forEach { partitionReq =>
+        val tp = new TopicPartition(topicReq.name, partitionReq.partitionIndex)
+        val newIsr = partitionReq.newIsr().asScala.toList.map(_.toInt)
+        isrsToAlter.put(tp, new LeaderAndIsr(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
partitionReq.leaderEpoch, newIsr, partitionReq.currentIsrVersion))
+      }
+    }
+    def responseCallback(results: Either[Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]], Errors]): Unit = {
+      val resp = new AlterIsrResponseData()
+      results match {
+        case Right(error) =>
+          resp.setErrorCode(error.code)
+        case Left(partitionResults) =>
+          resp.setTopics(new util.ArrayList())
+          partitionResults.groupBy(_._1.topic).foreach { entry =>
+            val topicResp = new AlterIsrResponseData.TopicData()
+              .setName(entry._1)
+              .setPartitions(new util.ArrayList())
+            resp.topics.add(topicResp)
+            entry._2.foreach { partitionEntry =>
+              partitionEntry._2 match {
+                case Left(error) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setErrorCode(error.code))
+                case Right(leaderAndIsr) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setLeaderId(leaderAndIsr.leader)
+                    .setLeaderEpoch(leaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch)
+                    .setIsr(leaderAndIsr.isr.map(Integer.valueOf).asJava)
+                    .setCurrentIsrVersion(leaderAndIsr.zkVersion))
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      callback.apply(resp)
+    }
+    eventManager.put(AlterIsrReceived(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
alterIsrRequest.brokerEpoch, isrsToAlter, responseCallback))
+  }
+  private def processAlterIsr(brokerId: Int, brokerEpoch: Long, isrsToAlter: 
Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr],
+                              callback: AlterIsrCallback): Unit = {
+    // Handle a few short-circuits
+    if (!isActive) {
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.NOT_CONTROLLER))
+      return
+    }
+    val brokerEpochOpt = controllerContext.liveBrokerIdAndEpochs.get(brokerId)
+    if (brokerEpochOpt.isEmpty) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to unknown broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    if (!brokerEpochOpt.contains(brokerEpoch)) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to stale broker epoch $brokerEpoch for 
broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    val response = try {
+      val partitionResponses: mutable.Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]] =
+        mutable.HashMap[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, LeaderAndIsr]]()
+      // Determine which partitions we will accept the new ISR for
+      val adjustedIsrs: Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr] = 
isrsToAlter.flatMap {
+        case (tp: TopicPartition, newLeaderAndIsr: LeaderAndIsr) =>
+          val partitionError: Errors = 
controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo(tp) match {
+            case Some(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch) =>
+              val currentLeaderAndIsr = 
+              if (newLeaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch < 
currentLeaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch) {
+                Errors.FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH
+              } else {
+                Errors.NONE
+              }
+            case None => Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION
+          }
+          if (partitionError == Errors.NONE) {
+            Some(tp -> newLeaderAndIsr)
+          } else {
+            partitionResponses(tp) = Left(partitionError)
+            None
+          }
+      }
+      // Do the updates in ZK
+      debug(s"Updating ISRs for partitions: ${adjustedIsrs.keySet}.")
+      val UpdateLeaderAndIsrResult(finishedUpdates, badVersionUpdates) = 
+        adjustedIsrs, controllerContext.epoch, 
+      val successfulUpdates: Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr] = 
finishedUpdates.flatMap {
+        case (partition: TopicPartition, isrOrError: Either[Throwable, 
LeaderAndIsr]) =>
+          isrOrError match {
+            case Right(updatedIsr) =>
+              debug("ISR for partition %s updated to [%s] and zkVersion 
updated to [%d]".format(partition, updatedIsr.isr.mkString(","), 

Review comment:
       nit: rewrite with `$`

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/controller/KafkaController.scala
@@ -1763,6 +1768,143 @@ class KafkaController(val config: KafkaConfig,
+  def alterIsrs(alterIsrRequest: AlterIsrRequestData, callback: 
AlterIsrResponseData => Unit): Unit = {
+    val isrsToAlter = mutable.Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr]()
+    alterIsrRequest.topics.forEach { topicReq =>
+      topicReq.partitions.forEach { partitionReq =>
+        val tp = new TopicPartition(topicReq.name, partitionReq.partitionIndex)
+        val newIsr = partitionReq.newIsr().asScala.toList.map(_.toInt)
+        isrsToAlter.put(tp, new LeaderAndIsr(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
partitionReq.leaderEpoch, newIsr, partitionReq.currentIsrVersion))
+      }
+    }
+    def responseCallback(results: Either[Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]], Errors]): Unit = {
+      val resp = new AlterIsrResponseData()
+      results match {
+        case Right(error) =>
+          resp.setErrorCode(error.code)
+        case Left(partitionResults) =>
+          resp.setTopics(new util.ArrayList())
+          partitionResults.groupBy(_._1.topic).foreach { entry =>
+            val topicResp = new AlterIsrResponseData.TopicData()
+              .setName(entry._1)
+              .setPartitions(new util.ArrayList())
+            resp.topics.add(topicResp)
+            entry._2.foreach { partitionEntry =>
+              partitionEntry._2 match {
+                case Left(error) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setErrorCode(error.code))
+                case Right(leaderAndIsr) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setLeaderId(leaderAndIsr.leader)
+                    .setLeaderEpoch(leaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch)
+                    .setIsr(leaderAndIsr.isr.map(Integer.valueOf).asJava)
+                    .setCurrentIsrVersion(leaderAndIsr.zkVersion))
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      callback.apply(resp)
+    }
+    eventManager.put(AlterIsrReceived(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
alterIsrRequest.brokerEpoch, isrsToAlter, responseCallback))
+  }
+  private def processAlterIsr(brokerId: Int, brokerEpoch: Long, isrsToAlter: 
Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr],
+                              callback: AlterIsrCallback): Unit = {
+    // Handle a few short-circuits
+    if (!isActive) {
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.NOT_CONTROLLER))
+      return
+    }
+    val brokerEpochOpt = controllerContext.liveBrokerIdAndEpochs.get(brokerId)
+    if (brokerEpochOpt.isEmpty) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to unknown broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    if (!brokerEpochOpt.contains(brokerEpoch)) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to stale broker epoch $brokerEpoch for 
broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    val response = try {
+      val partitionResponses: mutable.Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]] =
+        mutable.HashMap[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, LeaderAndIsr]]()
+      // Determine which partitions we will accept the new ISR for
+      val adjustedIsrs: Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr] = 
isrsToAlter.flatMap {
+        case (tp: TopicPartition, newLeaderAndIsr: LeaderAndIsr) =>
+          val partitionError: Errors = 
controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo(tp) match {
+            case Some(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch) =>
+              val currentLeaderAndIsr = 
+              if (newLeaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch < 
currentLeaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch) {
+                Errors.FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH
+              } else {
+                Errors.NONE
+              }
+            case None => Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION
+          }
+          if (partitionError == Errors.NONE) {
+            Some(tp -> newLeaderAndIsr)
+          } else {
+            partitionResponses(tp) = Left(partitionError)
+            None
+          }
+      }
+      // Do the updates in ZK
+      debug(s"Updating ISRs for partitions: ${adjustedIsrs.keySet}.")
+      val UpdateLeaderAndIsrResult(finishedUpdates, badVersionUpdates) = 
+        adjustedIsrs, controllerContext.epoch, 
+      val successfulUpdates: Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr] = 
finishedUpdates.flatMap {
+        case (partition: TopicPartition, isrOrError: Either[Throwable, 
LeaderAndIsr]) =>
+          isrOrError match {
+            case Right(updatedIsr) =>
+              debug("ISR for partition %s updated to [%s] and zkVersion 
updated to [%d]".format(partition, updatedIsr.isr.mkString(","), 
+              partitionResponses(partition) = Right(updatedIsr)
+              Some(partition -> updatedIsr)
+            case Left(error) =>
+              warn(s"Failed to update ISR for partition $partition", error)
+              partitionResponses(partition) = Left(Errors.forException(error))
+              None
+          }
+      }
+      badVersionUpdates.foreach(partition => {
+        warn(s"Failed to update ISR for partition $partition, bad ZK version")

Review comment:
       I think `warn` might be too high here. We should expect to see some of 
these even if the cluster is working properly. How about debug?

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/server/KafkaApis.scala
@@ -3054,6 +3054,26 @@ class KafkaApis(val requestChannel: RequestChannel,
+  def handleAlterIsrRequest(request: RequestChannel.Request): Unit = {
+    val alterIsrRequest = request.body[AlterIsrRequest]
+    if (authorize(request.context, CLUSTER_ACTION, CLUSTER, CLUSTER_NAME)) {

Review comment:
       nit: it's subjective, so feel free to ignore, but I find this a little 
easier to read if we handle the error cases first. So..
   if (!authorize(request.context, CLUSTER_ACTION, CLUSTER, CLUSTER_NAME)) {
         sendResponseMaybeThrottle(request, requestThrottleMs =>
   } else if (!controller.isActive) {
        sendResponseMaybeThrottle(request, requestThrottleMs =>
   } else {
   Basically we're discarding the error cases so that the successful path 
continues flowing downward and we're avoiding extra nesting. Like I said, it's 

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/controller/KafkaController.scala
@@ -1763,6 +1768,143 @@ class KafkaController(val config: KafkaConfig,
+  def alterIsrs(alterIsrRequest: AlterIsrRequestData, callback: 
AlterIsrResponseData => Unit): Unit = {
+    val isrsToAlter = mutable.Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr]()
+    alterIsrRequest.topics.forEach { topicReq =>
+      topicReq.partitions.forEach { partitionReq =>
+        val tp = new TopicPartition(topicReq.name, partitionReq.partitionIndex)
+        val newIsr = partitionReq.newIsr().asScala.toList.map(_.toInt)
+        isrsToAlter.put(tp, new LeaderAndIsr(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
partitionReq.leaderEpoch, newIsr, partitionReq.currentIsrVersion))
+      }
+    }
+    def responseCallback(results: Either[Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]], Errors]): Unit = {
+      val resp = new AlterIsrResponseData()
+      results match {
+        case Right(error) =>
+          resp.setErrorCode(error.code)
+        case Left(partitionResults) =>
+          resp.setTopics(new util.ArrayList())
+          partitionResults.groupBy(_._1.topic).foreach { entry =>
+            val topicResp = new AlterIsrResponseData.TopicData()
+              .setName(entry._1)
+              .setPartitions(new util.ArrayList())
+            resp.topics.add(topicResp)
+            entry._2.foreach { partitionEntry =>
+              partitionEntry._2 match {
+                case Left(error) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setErrorCode(error.code))
+                case Right(leaderAndIsr) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setLeaderId(leaderAndIsr.leader)
+                    .setLeaderEpoch(leaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch)
+                    .setIsr(leaderAndIsr.isr.map(Integer.valueOf).asJava)
+                    .setCurrentIsrVersion(leaderAndIsr.zkVersion))
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      callback.apply(resp)
+    }
+    eventManager.put(AlterIsrReceived(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
alterIsrRequest.brokerEpoch, isrsToAlter, responseCallback))
+  }
+  private def processAlterIsr(brokerId: Int, brokerEpoch: Long, isrsToAlter: 
Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr],
+                              callback: AlterIsrCallback): Unit = {
+    // Handle a few short-circuits
+    if (!isActive) {
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.NOT_CONTROLLER))
+      return
+    }
+    val brokerEpochOpt = controllerContext.liveBrokerIdAndEpochs.get(brokerId)
+    if (brokerEpochOpt.isEmpty) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to unknown broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    if (!brokerEpochOpt.contains(brokerEpoch)) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to stale broker epoch $brokerEpoch for 
broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    val response = try {
+      val partitionResponses: mutable.Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]] =

Review comment:
       nit: use type inference. It's conventional to write this as 
   val partitionResponses = mutable.Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/controller/KafkaController.scala
@@ -1763,6 +1768,143 @@ class KafkaController(val config: KafkaConfig,
+  def alterIsrs(alterIsrRequest: AlterIsrRequestData, callback: 
AlterIsrResponseData => Unit): Unit = {
+    val isrsToAlter = mutable.Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr]()
+    alterIsrRequest.topics.forEach { topicReq =>
+      topicReq.partitions.forEach { partitionReq =>
+        val tp = new TopicPartition(topicReq.name, partitionReq.partitionIndex)
+        val newIsr = partitionReq.newIsr().asScala.toList.map(_.toInt)
+        isrsToAlter.put(tp, new LeaderAndIsr(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
partitionReq.leaderEpoch, newIsr, partitionReq.currentIsrVersion))
+      }
+    }
+    def responseCallback(results: Either[Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]], Errors]): Unit = {
+      val resp = new AlterIsrResponseData()
+      results match {
+        case Right(error) =>
+          resp.setErrorCode(error.code)
+        case Left(partitionResults) =>
+          resp.setTopics(new util.ArrayList())
+          partitionResults.groupBy(_._1.topic).foreach { entry =>
+            val topicResp = new AlterIsrResponseData.TopicData()
+              .setName(entry._1)
+              .setPartitions(new util.ArrayList())
+            resp.topics.add(topicResp)
+            entry._2.foreach { partitionEntry =>
+              partitionEntry._2 match {
+                case Left(error) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setErrorCode(error.code))
+                case Right(leaderAndIsr) => topicResp.partitions.add(
+                  new AlterIsrResponseData.PartitionData()
+                    .setPartitionIndex(partitionEntry._1.partition)
+                    .setLeaderId(leaderAndIsr.leader)
+                    .setLeaderEpoch(leaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch)
+                    .setIsr(leaderAndIsr.isr.map(Integer.valueOf).asJava)
+                    .setCurrentIsrVersion(leaderAndIsr.zkVersion))
+              }
+            }
+          }
+      }
+      callback.apply(resp)
+    }
+    eventManager.put(AlterIsrReceived(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
alterIsrRequest.brokerEpoch, isrsToAlter, responseCallback))
+  }
+  private def processAlterIsr(brokerId: Int, brokerEpoch: Long, isrsToAlter: 
Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr],
+                              callback: AlterIsrCallback): Unit = {
+    // Handle a few short-circuits
+    if (!isActive) {
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.NOT_CONTROLLER))
+      return
+    }
+    val brokerEpochOpt = controllerContext.liveBrokerIdAndEpochs.get(brokerId)
+    if (brokerEpochOpt.isEmpty) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to unknown broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    if (!brokerEpochOpt.contains(brokerEpoch)) {
+      info(s"Ignoring AlterIsr due to stale broker epoch $brokerEpoch for 
broker $brokerId")
+      callback.apply(Right(Errors.STALE_BROKER_EPOCH))
+      return
+    }
+    val response = try {
+      val partitionResponses: mutable.Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]] =
+        mutable.HashMap[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, LeaderAndIsr]]()
+      // Determine which partitions we will accept the new ISR for
+      val adjustedIsrs: Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr] = 
isrsToAlter.flatMap {
+        case (tp: TopicPartition, newLeaderAndIsr: LeaderAndIsr) =>
+          val partitionError: Errors = 
controllerContext.partitionLeadershipInfo(tp) match {
+            case Some(leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch) =>
+              val currentLeaderAndIsr = 
+              if (newLeaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch < 
currentLeaderAndIsr.leaderEpoch) {
+                Errors.FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH
+              } else {
+                Errors.NONE
+              }
+            case None => Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION
+          }
+          if (partitionError == Errors.NONE) {
+            Some(tp -> newLeaderAndIsr)
+          } else {
+            partitionResponses(tp) = Left(partitionError)
+            None
+          }
+      }
+      // Do the updates in ZK
+      debug(s"Updating ISRs for partitions: ${adjustedIsrs.keySet}.")
+      val UpdateLeaderAndIsrResult(finishedUpdates, badVersionUpdates) = 
+        adjustedIsrs, controllerContext.epoch, 
+      val successfulUpdates: Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr] = 
finishedUpdates.flatMap {
+        case (partition: TopicPartition, isrOrError: Either[Throwable, 
LeaderAndIsr]) =>
+          isrOrError match {
+            case Right(updatedIsr) =>
+              debug("ISR for partition %s updated to [%s] and zkVersion 
updated to [%d]".format(partition, updatedIsr.isr.mkString(","), 
+              partitionResponses(partition) = Right(updatedIsr)
+              Some(partition -> updatedIsr)
+            case Left(error) =>
+              warn(s"Failed to update ISR for partition $partition", error)
+              partitionResponses(partition) = Left(Errors.forException(error))
+              None
+          }
+      }
+      badVersionUpdates.foreach(partition => {
+        warn(s"Failed to update ISR for partition $partition, bad ZK version")
+        partitionResponses(partition) = Left(Errors.INVALID_UPDATE_VERSION)
+      })
+      def processUpdateNotifications(partitions: Seq[TopicPartition]): Unit = {
+        val liveBrokers: Seq[Int] = 
+        debug(s"Sending MetadataRequest to Brokers: $liveBrokers for 
TopicPartitions: $partitions")

Review comment:
       nit: I think we can get rid of this. The logging in 
`ControllerChannelManager.sendUpdateMetadataRequests` is probably good enough.

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/server/KafkaServer.scala
@@ -298,9 +298,12 @@ class KafkaServer(val config: KafkaConfig, time: Time = 
Time.SYSTEM, threadNameP
         socketServer = new SocketServer(config, metrics, time, 
         socketServer.startup(startProcessingRequests = false)

Review comment:
       nit: unneeded newline

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/server/ReplicaManager.scala
@@ -1358,7 +1366,8 @@ class ReplicaManager(val config: KafkaConfig,
                 stateChangeLogger.info(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from " +
                   s"controller $controllerId with correlation id 
$correlationId " +
                   s"epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition since 
its associated " +
-                  s"leader epoch $requestLeaderEpoch matches the current 
leader epoch")
+                  s"leader epoch $requestLeaderEpoch matches the current 
leader epoch " +
+                  s"and the zk version $requestZkVersion matches the current 
zk version")

Review comment:
       nit: not sure it makes sense to include this change any longer

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/controller/KafkaController.scala
@@ -1763,6 +1768,143 @@ class KafkaController(val config: KafkaConfig,
+  def alterIsrs(alterIsrRequest: AlterIsrRequestData, callback: 
AlterIsrResponseData => Unit): Unit = {
+    val isrsToAlter = mutable.Map[TopicPartition, LeaderAndIsr]()
+    alterIsrRequest.topics.forEach { topicReq =>
+      topicReq.partitions.forEach { partitionReq =>
+        val tp = new TopicPartition(topicReq.name, partitionReq.partitionIndex)
+        val newIsr = partitionReq.newIsr().asScala.toList.map(_.toInt)
+        isrsToAlter.put(tp, new LeaderAndIsr(alterIsrRequest.brokerId, 
partitionReq.leaderEpoch, newIsr, partitionReq.currentIsrVersion))
+      }
+    }
+    def responseCallback(results: Either[Map[TopicPartition, Either[Errors, 
LeaderAndIsr]], Errors]): Unit = {
+      val resp = new AlterIsrResponseData()
+      results match {
+        case Right(error) =>
+          resp.setErrorCode(error.code)
+        case Left(partitionResults) =>
+          resp.setTopics(new util.ArrayList())
+          partitionResults.groupBy(_._1.topic).foreach { entry =>

Review comment:
       nit: can we avoid using `_1` and _2`? It's a lot easier to follow if 
they are named.

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/cluster/Partition.scala
@@ -200,9 +241,11 @@ class Partition(val topicPartition: TopicPartition,
   // defined when this broker is leader for partition
   @volatile private var leaderEpochStartOffsetOpt: Option[Long] = None
   @volatile var leaderReplicaIdOpt: Option[Int] = None
-  @volatile var inSyncReplicaIds = Set.empty[Int]
+  @volatile var isrState: IsrState = CommittedIsr(Set.empty)

Review comment:
       I wonder if we should be exposing this. Would it be enough to have a 
`def inSyncReplicaIds = isrState.isr`? One thing we need to be a little careful 
of is the fact that we now have a volatile variable with multiple fields. So if 
you try to access two fields through the `isrState` reference, you could see 
inconsistent data.

File path: core/src/test/scala/unit/kafka/cluster/PartitionTest.scala
@@ -1257,20 +1250,18 @@ class PartitionTest extends AbstractPartitionTest {
     // On initialization, the replica is considered caught up and should not 
be removed
-    assertEquals(Set(brokerId, remoteBrokerId), partition.inSyncReplicaIds)
+    assertEquals(Set(brokerId, remoteBrokerId), partition.isrState.isr)
     // If enough time passes without a fetch update, the ISR should shrink
     time.sleep(partition.replicaLagTimeMaxMs + 1)
-    val updatedLeaderAndIsr = LeaderAndIsr(
-      leader = brokerId,
-      leaderEpoch = leaderEpoch,
-      isr = List(brokerId),
-      zkVersion = 1)
-    when(stateStore.shrinkIsr(controllerEpoch, 
+    // Shrink the ISR
-    assertEquals(Set(brokerId), partition.inSyncReplicaIds)
-    assertEquals(10L, partition.localLogOrException.highWatermark)
+    assertEquals(alterIsrManager.isrUpdates.size, 1)

Review comment:
       I may have missed it, but do we have tests which verify error handling? 
I see tests which verify requests get sent, but at a quick glance I didn't see 
tests of responses.

File path: core/src/test/scala/unit/kafka/utils/TestUtils.scala
@@ -1065,6 +1065,25 @@ object TestUtils extends Logging {
                    logDirFailureChannel = new 
+  class TestAlterIsrManager extends AlterIsrManager {

Review comment:
       nit: sort of conventional to use a name like `MockAlterIsrManager`

File path: core/src/test/scala/unit/kafka/cluster/PartitionTest.scala
@@ -1149,31 +1153,27 @@ class PartitionTest extends AbstractPartitionTest {
       followerFetchTimeMs = time.milliseconds(),
       leaderEndOffset = 6L)
-    assertEquals(Set(brokerId), partition.inSyncReplicaIds)
+    assertEquals(Set(brokerId), partition.isrState.isr)
     assertEquals(3L, remoteReplica.logEndOffset)
     assertEquals(0L, remoteReplica.logStartOffset)
-    // The next update should bring the follower back into the ISR
-    val updatedLeaderAndIsr = LeaderAndIsr(
-      leader = brokerId,
-      leaderEpoch = leaderEpoch,
-      isr = List(brokerId, remoteBrokerId),
-      zkVersion = 1)
-    when(stateStore.expandIsr(controllerEpoch, 
       followerFetchOffsetMetadata = LogOffsetMetadata(10),
       followerStartOffset = 0L,
       followerFetchTimeMs = time.milliseconds(),
       leaderEndOffset = 6L)
-    assertEquals(Set(brokerId, remoteBrokerId), partition.inSyncReplicaIds)
+    assertEquals(alterIsrManager.isrUpdates.size, 1)
+    assertEquals(alterIsrManager.isrUpdates.dequeue().leaderAndIsr.isr, 
List(brokerId, remoteBrokerId))
+    assertEquals(Set(brokerId), partition.isrState.isr)
+    assertEquals(Set(brokerId, remoteBrokerId), partition.isrState.maximalIsr)
     assertEquals(10L, remoteReplica.logEndOffset)
     assertEquals(0L, remoteReplica.logStartOffset)
   def testIsrNotExpandedIfUpdateFails(): Unit = {
+    // TODO maybe remove this test now?

Review comment:
       Need to address the TODOs in this class.

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