Did I vote +1 for Turbine's standards? 

And, if they say "use two blank lines here", and "use one blank line
here" - please explain how "one" and "single" are somehow not
synonymous? It says "One blank line should always be used" - it does NOT
say "One or more blank lines should always be used". 

And, please don't try to infer that I'm changing text to suit some
motives of mine. The change I made has no effect on the meaning of my


> Who's to tell me that *only* a single blank line should be used for 
> improved readability? Sometimes I use two. Sometimes three. I don't 
> like Sun trying to define whitespace usage.


> Who's to tell me that *only* ONE blank line should be used for 
> improved readability? Sometimes I use two. Sometimes three. I don't 
> like Sun trying to define whitespace usage.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jordi Salvat i Alabart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 11:26 AM
To: JMeter Developers List
Subject: Re: (Clarification) RE: [re-vote] Coding standards

Hmmmm... Turbine's includes Sun's. There's no way to get one without the


Anyway, looks like these sections you're citing are pretty subject to 
interpretation: they say you must use one blank line here, but it 
doesn't say you can't use one more, do they? You had to add the word 
"single" to clarify what you don't like, didn't you?



Boutcher, James K. wrote:
> I thought my negative 1 might need some explanation:
>>>2. Adopt Sun's coding standards
>>>     James K Boutcher: -1
> I'm all for clean coding, and I'm also for 95% of Sun's coding 
> convention doc. Some of it goes a bit far, I think - and you don't 
> want people intimidated submitting code, right? .. A couple examples 
> of things I personally don't follow - and don't see why this should 
> ever be part of a standard:
> -----
>  8.1 Blank Lines
> Blank lines improve readability by setting off sections of code that 
> are logically related.
> Two blank lines should always be used in the following circumstances:
>     * Between sections of a source file
>     * Between class and interface definitions
> One blank line should always be used in the following circumstances:
>     * Between methods
>     * Between the local variables in a method and its first statement
>     * Before a block (see section 5.1.1) or single-line (see section
> 5.1.2) comment
>     * Between logical sections inside a method to improve readability
> -----
> Who's to tell me that *only* a single blank line should be used for 
> improved readability? Sometimes I use two. Sometimes three. I don't 
> like Sun trying to define whitespace usage.
> And.. (whoa - that was 4 lines for readability!)
> -----
> 10.5.2 Returning Values
> Try to make the structure of your program match the intent. Example:
> if (booleanExpression) {
>     return true;
> } else {
>     return false;
> }
> should instead be written as
> return booleanExpression;
> Similarly,
> if (condition) {
>     return x;
> }
> return y;
> should be written as
> return (condition ? x : y);
> -----
> I think that you should be free to use whatever method you want 
> (mostly the second one - which is confusing to some people!) to 
> improve readability.
> IMHO, Sun went a bit too far. And that's why I voted negative.
> Jim
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