On 08/11/05, Richard Gaywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/8/05, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On 08/11/05, Richard Gaywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Firstly, I have three ThreadGroups in the whole test plan (each with
> > it's
> > > own JDBC request and CVS config file)
> >
> > Why do you need 3 Thread Groups?
> 3 different types of search being carried out on the system during the load
> test, abot 30% type1, 65% type2, 5% type3. I couldn't see any way to do that
> except to create three Thread Groups and set the number of threads in each
> appropriately.

One way to do this would be to use a Switch Controller with a Simple
Controller for each option.


Create the switch value using a function that returns 0, 1 or 2 in the
approriate proportions. This could be done with JavaScript or
BeanShell, or you could create a file with the numbers and read them
using CSV Data Set, StringFromFile or CSVRead.

If the search types can use the same Sampler with different
parameters, then create parameter files with an appropriate mix of
parameters and use those to drive the samples.

> > Fourthly, I can't find an option to log the number of bytes received in
> > the
> > > response; this would be a good sanity check for me that the data coming
> > back
> > > from the server isn't broken (as I'm doing JDBC and therefore don't have
> > a
> > > HTTP status code). Did I miss one or has this not been implemeted yet?
> >
> > Not yet implemented.
> OK, if I were to write something like that, would you be interested in the
> contribution back into the codebase? I'd have to run it by my employer first
> though. Also, do you currently offer response size logging for any other
> Sampler type? I guess not, but that would (presumably) cut down on the work
> I would have to do.

Contributions are welcome; please provide these via Bugzilla.

Response size logging is not provided for any Sampler type at present.
It should be easy enough to provide this. Please raise a Bugzilla
enhancement request.

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