
Go for it.  I wish I had time to work on this some more.  It also appears that 
the surface slicer now needs work (bit rot or a change in the syntax for 
definitions of a plane, I haven't investigated).  I will try to look at what 
ever you produce and may be able to give some advice on the widgets, but that 
is about all I can promise at the moment.

All, keep up the good work.

> On Dec 20, 2015, at 3:49 AM, Angel Herráez <> wrote:
> Dear developers, in particular Bob and Jonathan,
> Over the last weeks I was teaching a course where whe learned to produce 
> webpages from Jmol Export to Web.
> As a consequence, I am starting some revision of the page code generated, 
> to be more HTML5-compliant and cleaner in terms of tags (e.g. less table 
> tags, more div's and css)
> I have managed to do a new setup of Eclipse in my computer and so I am 
> again able to locally test my builds of Jmol.
> This message is a warning to avoid any clashes in case some of you may 
> think of changing the source meanwhile. I will discuss with you and commit 
> my changes once I'm satisfied with the result.
> Jonathan, I've noticed that the widgets are not yet implemented in the 
> current 
> (JSmol) version. I am not sure if I will understand your approach and so may 
> or not change that part. Right now I am working just on the html source of 
> the templates.
> Best,
> Angel
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                         Dr. Jonathan H. Gutow
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