
bug fix: ADF reader not accepting atom ids

This reads N.test as symbol="N" and name="N.text"

On Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 7:20 AM, Georg Eickerling <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> this is some kind of feature addon for the Jmol filters:
> The ADF filter obviously assumes all element symbols to be simple
> strings. This is not always true following the ADF user guide
> html?highlight=atoms
>  were "atom types" are
> ***************************
> AtomType
>     The name of an atom type. It must begin with the standard one- or
> two-character symbol for the chemical element (e.g. H, He, Li,...).
> Optionally it may be appended by .text, where text is any string (not
> containing delimiters). Examples: H, Mn.3,
> ***************************
> This feature is for example used in NMR coupling calculations when
> re-defining special basis sets for some of the coupling atoms.
> At the moment, the jmol parser apparently simply ignores atoms with
> names such as "H.b" so they are just lacking in the final structure. I
> suggest the following one line fix:
> starting from line 159:
> while (rd() != null && !line.startsWith(" -----")) {
>       tokens = getTokens();
>       if (tokens.length < 5)
>         break;
>       String symbol = tokens[1];
>       /* +++++++++++++ADD THIS++++++++++++++ */
>       if(symbol.contains("."))
>       {
>         symbol = symbol.split("\\.")[0];
>       }
>       /* +++++++++++++ADD THIS++++++++++++++ */
>       if (JmolAdapter.getElementNumber(symbol) < 1)
>         nXX++;
>       else
>         addAtomXYZSymName(tokens, pt0, symbol, null);
>     }
> This will just split off the things after the period and proceed with
> the element symbol as usual and works for me on my local files with
> "H.b" atoms.
> best
> Georg
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  PD Dr. Georg Eickerling
>  Universität Augsburg
>  Institut für Physik
>  Lehrstuhl für Chemische Physik und Materialwissenschaften
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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