On Tue, June 13, 2006 10:58 am, Bob Hanson wrote:
> Rich, you sure you are looking at the Java console log? (In one of your
> Mac directories? "logs" or "log" or something like that?)

I checked both the javascript log and the java log. The interesting thing
in the java log is what is not there. After initialization for a page that
comes up correctly the  log shows:

os.name:Mac OS X
setting color scheme to:jmol
SmarterJmolAdapter:The Resolver thinks:Pdb
openFile(/tmpgifs/fitp0106a.3D.pdb) 189 ms

for the times when the page doesn't fill in the applet you see:

os.name:Mac OS X
setting color scheme to:jmol

and then nothing.

> I find it hard to believe that the applet would just show an unfilled
> space without a console error, if by that you mean a black square.

It's a white square. It hasn't even filled in the applet background color.

> That
> would almost certainly be a file-not-found error, and that would
> certainly appear in the console log. Even if there is no error, what
> does the Java (not "JavaScript") console log say?
> Can you point me (privately if necessary) to the problem URL?

Can't do that, it's all behind a corporate firewall.


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