Thank you =) ^^
> So, you have a modified application jar that works and a modified > applet 
> that does not?> > The Jmol.js is set for using the standard JmolApplet files, 
> I'm not > sure if it will load yours properly. If your applet is in a single 
> > jar file, try to use it in this way:> > jmolInitialize("yourJmolFolder", 
> "yourCustomApplet.jar") > > because in the standard way it will always look 
> for JmolApplet0.jar> 
I had tried doing this too, but it seems like theres a problem with exporting 
the stuff i edited into a jar file 
and this is one problem im trying to solve, 
or i should say, anyway tat i could get it working.. =)
 > Finally, I have a doubt: in which way will the "host" applet send its > info 
 > to the other applets? Have you solved that? It sounds exciting.> 
In this chat room, everyone will be able to move the applet and for every 
movement done by each user, i actually  capture what they did 
and do a port forwarding of this actions to everyone in the room, 
soo when User A move the Structure, User B will see the movement too...
and i had finished coding all this,  n jus left with getting wat i code to work 
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