On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 5:23 PM, Spencer Bliven <sbli...@ucsd.edu> wrote:

> I've been trying to customized some jmol scripts and I had a couple
> questions.
>    1. Is there an option to change the length of the arrowhead for a
>    'draw arrow' or 'draw arrow arc' command?
size overall, but not length per se.

 set defaultDrawArrowScale (decimal)

*Sets the default scale for the arrow tip for

>    1. What are the units for the 'scale' parameter for an arc? I've found
>    that a value of 500 results in an arc about 1A in radius for my test
>    protein, but I assume this is somehow proportionate to the input points.
*The SCALE parameter is used to set the diameter of the overall circle
containing the arc. *

draw scale 2.0 arc.... 2-Angstrom diameter
draw scale 500 arc ... 5-Angstrom diameter

>    1. What's the best way to draw a line without an arrow head? Use 'draw
>    cylinder'?
> Yes, I think so.

> I'm running Jmol 12.0.22 through BioJava.
We need to get BioJava gurus to move to Jmol 13. (Andreas? Peter?) Maybe
there is a newer version of BioJava than what you are using.

> I have to say that the 
> documentation<http://chemapps.stolaf.edu/jmol/docs/#draw>for the draw command 
> is rather confusing, since some of the "modifying
> options" are mutually exclusive or  change meanings depending on other
> options.

Probably in need of an upgrade.

> Thanks,
> Spencer Bliven
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Robert M. Hanson
Larson-Anderson Professor of Chemistry
Chair, Chemistry Department
St. Olaf College
Northfield, MN

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