Thank you, Rolf

Yes, it seems that although the callbacks can be targeted to a jmolscript, it 
does not allow to pick any parameters like it does in Javascript.

After all, even though I was developing in the Jmol aplication console, my 
target is a webpage, so I have "outsourced" the processing to a Javascript 
function that after checking the arguments returned by the callback, uses a 
Jmol script to return the proper action.

In case anyone is interested, this is my example

// webpage, with 2 JSmol panels named jmol1 and jmol2
// script in Jmol (within two otherwise different spt files called by the page):
set MinimizationCallback "jmolMinim";
set echo top center;
echo "initial message"
minimize steps 250; 

// Javascript in the page:
function jmolMinim() { //callback, reports starting / running / done 
  if (arguments[1]=='done') { 
     if (arguments[0]=='jmol1') {
        Jmol.script(jmol1, 'echo "final message 1";') 
     } else if (arguments[0]=='jmol2') {
        Jmol.script(jmol2, 'echo "final message 2";') 

The effect is that "initial message" is displayed until the minimization 
then it is replaced by a different message in each JSmol.

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