Apologies if my post-tracking is not up to scratch.  I have been silently 
grappling with  Java security policies on my own routine browser  Safari.  This 
browser, including the  “Safari technology preview”, the latest version of 
which was released only yesterday, still support the  browser plugin  API.

Each host does have to be individually enabled, and more than that  it has to 
be set to run in  “safe mode” if Java requires read/write access from local 
user directories. But having done that it is still supported, even in the 
future-looking technology preview version. I have documented it here for our 
own local use: https://wiki.ch.ic.ac.uk/wiki/index.php?title=It:jmol

> On 29 Mar 2017, at 20:59, Angel Herráez <angel.herr...@uah.es> wrote:
> (I'm following another thread started by David Hibbitts but this is a 
> different 
> topic, so I changed the subject)
> David,
> May I ask what is the information you have regarding future support of Java 
> by Waterfox?
> On 29 Mar 2017 at 15:14, David Hibbitts wrote:
>> It's hard to know how much any of us should invest in these java-specific 
>> issues given the aggressive nature of browsers toward javascript -- 
>> but my website really serves my research group, not the general public, and 
>> there I can certainly get the users to install Waterfox+JAVA.
> ---
> El software de antivirus Avast ha analizado este correo electrónico en busca 
> de virus.
> https://www.avast.com/antivirus
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