On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

> >>>>> "Perl" == Perl Jobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Perl> Required skills: PERL, HTML, HTTP, C++, C, UNIX
> Hmm.  I don't know about PERL.  Just Perl.  (And some perl.)
> And I don't know any UNIX... just Unix.
> Perl> URL for more information: http://http//www.yahoo.com
> And that's not a valid URL.  At least, not in any sense that would be
> useful.  I might have a host named "http", I guess.
> Perl> Contact information: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Maybe Laura should be told how embarassing she is to her company?

The URL bit is actually not all her fault.  The website looks at the URL
entered to see if it starts with "http://";.  If it doesn't, it prepends
"httpd://", on the theory that some people will enter "www.yahoo.com" all
by itself.  OTOH, she should have proofread the entry.


House Absolute Consulting

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