At 14:11 -0500 2003-03-22, David Kaufman wrote:
>but i wasn't.  i was looking for a salaried job.  and just hoping to find
>one at around at least 2/3 of my former salary (with the economy swirling so

But this _wasn't_ a "salaried job. It was a stated contract at a known length
of 4 months with the spectre of "indefinitely" floating over it. That's very

You obviously don't live in California :/  Here, the State declared that
anyone working fulltime onsite had to be an employee of _somebody_. So a
bunch of body shops, aka "technical resources organizations" have sprung up
to handle the paper work, issue W2s, deduct taxes, and "after you've been
with us for at least 4 months" offer mediocre medical/dental policies for
which the contr^Wemployee pays most.

Even then, most companies refuse to keep contractors onboard for very long,
afraid they will become "entrenched". Apple used to allow 18 month contracts;
that was back before the State got snooty; I don't think the length is over 6
months these days. My contract at BGI ran 3 months; required upper management
approval to go to 6 months. We both would have liked to have me stay longer
but it wasn't permitted by HR.

The good news about the W2 thing is: taxes deducted, no surprises, no SE tax,
and the chance of unemployment insurance. The bad side is no schedule C
deductions and the jobs are just as short; the time between contracts just as

Everyone's situation is different and I certainly understand both 20-20
hindsight and regret for things that can't be changed. Just don't confuse "4
months and we hope it goes longer" with a fulltime salaried job and never
confuse either with permanency or security... part of the reason to try and
get as much income as possible (i.e. the best rate/salary you can negotiate)
is that you need to try to build up some savings against the next dry period.
- Vicki

Vicki Brown     ZZZ                  Journeyman Sourceror:
P.O. Box 1269      zz  |\     _,,,---,,_        Scripts & Philtres
San Bruno, CA       zz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_    Perl, Unix, MacOS
94066     USA         |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-'
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