
Very sound advice for the FTE (perm) market. However, contractors often
take the first acceptable project offered. 

If you accept a contract/temp assignment PLEASE, please accept it for
the duration of the job, not just the time the company initially
stipulates. Many corporations have rules that they can only state 3
months for a temp duration.

I have seen many contractors ruing their references by leaving 2 to 4
weeks early. I am seen many contractors enhance their careers by doing
what it takes to have do the full job, even passing up some good work in
the process.


Larson J. Rider
(408) 661-7260 cell - cell 

-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Cranston-Cuebas
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 11:23 AM
To: 'Anthony Ettinger'; Terrence Brannon
Cc: L-Perl-Jobs-Discuss
Subject: RE: deliberating over all job offers versus accepting the first

> The last thing I want to do is rush to accept a job, after all, that's

> sort of what got me into the situation of wanting to look for a new 
> job.

Very good point. I can see it from both sides. With the market being
hot, you must consider your options carefully to get your best dollar
Please do consider stability when weighing companies though. Remember
that a "hot" market does not mean a stable market. There are many times
when smaller start-ups are popping up all over and driving the job
market. Even larger companies will unleash their pet projects but they
too many be experimental in nature. Regardless, in this type of
situation, companies may not be able to provide you security in your job
so they have to offer something else. That's often money. That's not
really bad since if you lose that job, you may be out of work a few
months trying to find the next. Just remember, that these trade-offs
exist and you may get a slightly lower offer from a larger stable
company and in the long run, you'll end up with the better deal. All of
these factors are why it's so hard to make that final plunge and accept
the offer in hand.

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