On Monday June 5, 2006 13:49, Terrence Brannon wrote:
> On 6/5/06, Anthony Ettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What I fear is having people review my code who aren't savvy enough to
> > use warnings or strict in their Perl code, not to mention readability.
> Yeah, when you have a company of more than 20 developers, none of whom
> are connected to the Perl community. All of whom probably had not read
> or even heard of "Perl Best Practices", "Higher Order Perl". None of
> whom attend Perl conferences. And most of whom are senior to you, you
> feel like you are screaming at a brick wall. They hadn't heard of
> several modules like Params::Validate, List::Utils, etc, etc.

And I thought I was the only one... a particularly inefficient treatment of 
dates springs to mind (DateTime? what's that?) that would make a grand 
thedailywtf.com entry, and I hear you on Params::Validate, List::Util (CPAN? 
no, that code can't have been tested nearly as well as our in-house ad-hoc 
spaghetti implementation).  I've been there and felt your pain.  I tried to 
make a difference (I think I had everything on 'use strict' when I left, and 
some of it even 'use warnings'), but you can only push the rock up the hill 
and watch it fall back again for so long.  I'm much happier at my present 

Isa. 40:31

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