>>>>> "WM" == Walt Mankowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  WM> On Mon, Jan 22, 2007 at 03:54:16PM -0500, Terrence Brannon wrote:
  >> It appears we are in wartime/recession and the job pickings are
  >> super-thin. Is this just my impression? Is there a graph of jobs
  >> posted to jobs.perl.org per annum somewhere?
  >> I'd like to see how things have gone since the site went live back in 200x.

  WM> I'm curious what gives you the impression that the pickings are thin.
  WM> Admittedly I'm not in the job market at this time, but I just counted
  WM> 127 job postings on the perl jobs list just since the beginning of the
  WM> year.  That seems pretty healthy to me.

and you can see the monthly postings since may 2001 at:


dunno what more you need. trivial to download that and pipe it into a
graphing thingie of your choice. a quick eyeballing shows solid growth
in each year and never a major long term downslide in postings per
month. part of this is due to repeated posts
for the same unfilled jobs and also the word keeps spreading about the
site and list. more agencies and companies seem to be using it.

the only downtrend i see is that december seems to always be a
low month but that makes sense.

if ask could handle another task, breaking the stats down by different
posters it would be interesting to see. but alas, i won't ask ask to do
another task!


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs  ----------------------------  http://jobs.perl.org

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