jeanne wrote:
>We watched " The Decent " last night and although there was some bad
>language, I could not really understand it because the girls had
>accents.  The caves were so dark and the girls all became so dirty and
>bloody, I could barely tell who was who. ... Anyway, that was horrible to have 
>watch the  "soon to be doctor"  push the  bone back into her body
>and put a split on her.  YUCK!!!!!!!  Have any of you seen this flick?

me, and a few others, if I recollect.  I liked it better than I
thought I would, enough to own it.   I always think of it when it's a
gloomy Saturday and I'm wondering what movie to watch..... but I
haven't yet.
The one thing that ticks me off is the STUPIDITY of (1) getting there
to the situation, and (2) the other girls going along with it!!  The
equivalent of "I double dog dare ya'".  So, I didn't feel too bad as
they got offed one by one......... out of the gene pool!

btw, nice news about Ray.  Hope he enjoys his few weeks at work.
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