Jono Bacon wrote:
> Hi all,
> Recently I recorded a test recording that involved recording inside
> Jokosher, editing, mixing and exporting. This resulted in
> This also resulted in a bunch of bugs that we want to nail for the next 
> release:
> Bug #80912: Scrolling way too slow
> Bug #80913: Zooming out fully does not see full project
> Bug #70347: Mixing down does not last the correct length of the audio

I'll take a look at these when I get some time. The mixdown audio length 
  may be a problem with gnonlin, but its hard to reproduce. I'll get on 
reporting it upstream asap.

> Bug #80914: Imported clips do not set volume fade levels to 100%
> Bug #80915: Copying events does not copy fade settings
> Bug #80918: Split makes leftmost wave empty

Fixed, fixed and fixed ;)

> We are getting there, its great to hear something recorded in our little app. 
> :)

Thanks for the real-world testing Jono!


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