Getting this to work in seems to be a little tricky. I was running
AMD64 version which also needs a hack to work.

First of all the gstreamer ladspa plugin is in gst-plugins-bad which
is not included in the standard repository so you need to enable a
third party repo. I used freshrpms. If you go to their home page they
have instructions on doing this Install

You then need a set of ladspa plugins (ladspa-swh-plugins was the only
one I could immediately see). I don't know about i386 but on AMD64 the
ladspa-swh-plugins get installed into /usr/lib64/ladspa which is *not*
where the gst ladspa expects them to be and so you still have no
effects enabled. Setting a symlink gets around this

As root:

cd /usr/lib
ln -s /usr/lib64/ladspa .

You probably also need to delete the gst plugin cache

rm ~/.gstreamer-0.10/registry.x86_64.xml

and then it works.

Phew! This is harder than it should be :)

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