
> That was actually the last patch john sent to the mailing list. The
> buttons no longer toggle *between* the views, they now just toggle each
> view individually. I know this is deviating from your original spec, and
> I know that it seems weird but we are trying it out as there are several
> advantages to this way.
> This way allows you to remove the redundant recording view inside
> compact mix view (which was bad for implementation reasons and because
> you couldn't see only the compact mix view). Now the user can choose if
> they want each view visible or not.
> Also this allows us to incorporate another view such as the shelf which
> doesn't have a use case to be visible on its own. You will be able to
> toggle the shelf to have it come up underneath the recording view. The
> shelf can then be used to drag clips on and off the recording view. This
> would not work with the old workspace design.
> This is an experiment which is not complete yet so we won't be changing
> the behaviour back right away. That said, we would like to find a
> solution that works in the ways I described above and makes sense to
> everybody.

I think the current implementation is crazy! I might be missing
something, but it is very confusing to have four possible toggle
options between two views. We have two workspaces with one button
each, why can't we keep this behaviour - it makes much more sense in
my mind - the user can simply click the button for the right view.

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