Hi Samir,

2016-07-07 4:50 GMT+02:00 Samir Faci <sa...@esamir.com>:

> 1.  One conversion that would be useful to have is the ability to convert
> from POJOs to Records and vice versa.
> On occasion I need to roll out my own POJO because our data is represented
> different at the service layer then how the data
> is actually stored, but I find myself using the autogenerated records and
> POJOs a good bit.  It would be nice if there was an easy way to going from
> say:
> TableNameRecord  -->  TableName (pojo) and back.

Do I get you right, you'd like a hard-coded method in the generated
TableNameRecord that does the mapping for the generated POJO? E.g.

class TableNameRecord extends UpdatableRecordImpl {
    public TableNamePojo intoTableNamePojo() { ... }
    public void fromTableNamePojo(TableNamePojo pojo) { ... }

Would this really help? I can definitely see the into() method. The from()
method doesn't seem to add that much value over the existing
Record.from(Object) method, except, perhaps, some additional type safety?

> It varies on my use case but I tend to usually fetchInto(  . class) and
> most of the the class passed in is either the record or pojo that was
> generated by jooq.

Oh, I see, that's a different story, though. The problem is that
fetchInto(Class) is called on a ResultQuery<R>, where R is a generic type.
It will be a bit harder to find a solution along the lines of what you're
looking for. Perhaps, we could generate a RecordMapper<TableNameRecord,
TableNamePojo>, which would add some type safety over passing the class
literal (and it could be implemented more optimally). That RecordMapper
could then be made available from TableNameRecord:

class TableNameRecord extends UpdatableRecordImpl {

    public static RecordMapper<TableNameRecord, TableNamePojo> mapper() {
... }


This could then be used as such:


What do you think?

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