Hello Lukas,

thanks a lot for response, I am sorry, I have not noticed the obvious bug
in my DDL, the reflection warnings deceived me.
I have not realized that parsing unqualified column names is not so
straightforward to implement, I think existing state - using qualified
names is perfectly fine for use.

Feature of parsing with meta lookups (.withParseWithMetaLookups(
THROW_ON_FAILURE)) is perfect for validation of queries without even
running them, this I think will be killer feature for any reporting tool
;). In DslContext.meta() I miss only one thing - possibility to list and
run stored procedures (org.jooq.Routine) in some dynamic way without static
generation. But this could be also implemented by me when needed, by
reverse engineering code of org.jooq.codegen.JavaGenerator#generateRoutines
in a way to support dynamic calling of routines without code generation ...

Thank you once more time for marvelous support.


ut 3. 9. 2019 o 16:14 Lukas Eder <lukas.e...@gmail.com> napísal(a):

> Hi Marek,
> Thank you very much for your quick feedback.
> Indeed, being able to parse unqualified column references will prove
> tricky as we will have to defer some lookups until we have all the table
> expressions available. There are many edge cases, e.g. when using lateral
> derived tables, where our current single pass recursive descent parser
> might not be good enough. This will be fixed through
> https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/9061, hopefully in 3.13.
> Regarding that last parse call, what else would you suggest? I mean, the
> SQL you passed to DSLContext::meta has a syntax error... There's an excess
> ",". Or do you mean the reflection warning? We're trying to address that as
> soon as possible.
> Thanks,
> Lukas
> On Mon, Sep 2, 2019 at 10:13 AM Marek Gregor <marek.gre...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Lukas,
>> thanks for notifying me. I have finally tried the meta() and parser() API
>> methods, here are my notes:
>> - DSLContext.meta() for existing JDBC connection works perfectly
>> - DSLContext.parser().parseResultQuery() works for full qualified field
>> names (e.g.: "select alarms.ID from alarms") but not for unqualified
>> names  (e.g.: "select ID from alarms") when I have created DslContext
>> with settings: new Settings()
>>         .withParseDialect(SQLDialect.POSTGRES)
>>         .withParseWithMetaLookups(THROW_ON_FAILURE)
>>         .withParseSearchPath(new ParseSearchSchema().withSchema("public"
>> ))
>>         .withParseUnsupportedSyntax(FAIL)
>>         .withParseUnknownFunctions(ParseUnknownFunctions.FAIL);
>> - DSLContext.meta(Source) fails with code:
>>  public class DbScannerTest {
>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>         String url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/DEMO_Basic1_SysCfg";
>>         Properties props = new Properties();
>>         props.setProperty("user", "postgres");
>>         props.setProperty("password", "swx");
>>         try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props)) {
>>             final DSLContext dsl = DSL.using(conn, SQLDialect.POSTGRES);
>>             final Meta specialMeta = dsl.meta(Source.of("CREATE TABLE 
>> tutorials_tbl ( " +
>>                     "   id INT NOT NULL, " +
>>                     "   title VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, " +
>>                     "   author VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, " +
>>                     "   submission_date DATE, " +
>>             ");"));
>>         } catch (SQLException e) {
>>             e.printStackTrace();
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> with error:
>> "C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\java.exe " ..." 
>> DbScannerTest
>> Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'
>> WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
>> WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.jooq.tools.reflect.Reflect 
>> (file:/C:/Users/mgregor/.m2/repository/org/jooq/jooq/3.12.0/jooq-3.12.0.jar) 
>> to constructor java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles$Lookup(java.lang.Class)
>> WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of 
>> org.jooq.tools.reflect.Reflect
>> WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal 
>> reflective access operations
>> WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
>> sep 02, 2019 10:11:33 AM org.jooq.tools.JooqLogger error
>> SEVERE: An exception occurred while parsing a DDL script: Identifier 
>> expected: [1:138] ...or VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,    submission_date DATE, 
>> [*]);. Please report this error to https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/new
>> org.jooq.impl.ParserException: Identifier expected: [1:138] ...or 
>> VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,    submission_date DATE, [*]);
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserContext.expected(ParserImpl.java:10641)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseIdentifier(ParserImpl.java:8935)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseIdentifier(ParserImpl.java:8928)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseCreateTable(ParserImpl.java:3177)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseCreate(ParserImpl.java:2143)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseQuery(ParserImpl.java:844)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parse(ParserImpl.java:542)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parse(ParserImpl.java:529)
>>      at 
>> org.jooq.impl.DDLDatabaseInitializer.loadScript(DDLDatabaseInitializer.java:172)
>>      at 
>> org.jooq.impl.DDLDatabaseInitializer.initializeUsing(DDLDatabaseInitializer.java:153)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.DDLMetaProvider.provide(DDLMetaProvider.java:69)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.DefaultDSLContext.meta(DefaultDSLContext.java:443)
>>      at DbScannerTest.main(DbScannerTest.java:24)
>> Exception in thread "main" org.jooq.impl.ParserException: Identifier 
>> expected: [1:138] ...or VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,    submission_date DATE, [*]);
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserContext.expected(ParserImpl.java:10641)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseIdentifier(ParserImpl.java:8935)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseIdentifier(ParserImpl.java:8928)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseCreateTable(ParserImpl.java:3177)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseCreate(ParserImpl.java:2143)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parseQuery(ParserImpl.java:844)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parse(ParserImpl.java:542)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.ParserImpl.parse(ParserImpl.java:529)
>>      at 
>> org.jooq.impl.DDLDatabaseInitializer.loadScript(DDLDatabaseInitializer.java:172)
>>      at 
>> org.jooq.impl.DDLDatabaseInitializer.initializeUsing(DDLDatabaseInitializer.java:153)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.DDLMetaProvider.provide(DDLMetaProvider.java:69)
>>      at org.jooq.impl.DefaultDSLContext.meta(DefaultDSLContext.java:443)
>>      at DbScannerTest.main(DbScannerTest.java:24)
>> št 29. 8. 2019 o 17:04 Lukas Eder <lukas.e...@gmail.com> napísal(a):
>>> Hi Marek,
>>> We've just released jOOQ 3.12. With it there is experimental support for
>>> running our DDL simulation in the core library though
>>> DSLContext.meta(Source...). You can provide a set of DDL scripts, and we'll
>>> run them against H2 (translated to H2 dialect), to produce the resulting
>>> meta model, which you can use in your tooling, or in the parser.
>>> Any early feedback would be greatly appreciated!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Lukas
>>> On Monday, July 29, 2019 at 12:51:53 PM UTC+2, marekgregor wrote:
>>>> Hi Lukas,
>>>> thanks a lot for insightful response, from the licensing point of view
>>>> that's the best outcome I could imagine. By the way without JOOQ, the only
>>>> alternative for parsing DB metadata and SQL is opensource code of Squirrel
>>>> SQL Client <http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net/>, but it is
>>>> intertwined with Java Swing API and lot of harder to use from the point of
>>>> API, documentation, support, etc.
>>>> I'm assuming you mean the JdbcDatabase from jOOQ-meta?
>>>>  Sorry I made a mistake. I have meant descendants of
>>>> org.jooq.meta.AbstractDatabase (PostgresDatabase, MySQLDatabase, ...),
>>>> I checked the code, and these implementations should be more performant
>>>> than general JdbcDatabase implementation.
>>>> Thanks once more, I will let you know about any serious progress of
>>>> this project.
>>>> Marek
>>>> pi 26. 7. 2019 o 17:27 Lukas Eder <lukas.e...@gmail.com> napísal(a):
>>>>> Hi Marek,
>>>>> Thank you very much for following up.
>>>>> On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 5:07 PM Marek Gregor <marek.gre...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Lukas,
>>>>>> thank you, that's amazing I didn't realize before, that this feature
>>>>>> is also implementable. For my initial use case JdbcDatabase and it's
>>>>>> descendands is far enough - users of my app will pass JDBC connection
>>>>>> params, and the app will display database metadata and allow executing
>>>>>> standardized SQL processed by JOOQ Parser to get data for reports.
>>>>> I'm assuming you mean the JdbcDatabase from jOOQ-meta? Yes, that
>>>>> should be sufficient if the schema is not too big. Unfortunately, its
>>>>> backing JDBC DatabaseMetaData is not the fastest API when schemas get big,
>>>>> so queries against that meta data might become a bit slow on some systems.
>>>>>> But this brings to my head another question about JOOQ licensing ...
>>>>>> I know that in standard case, model generation (from metadata) and
>>>>>> writing parseable SQL is done by developer (therefore I think per 
>>>>>> developer
>>>>>> license is reasonable here). But in my case this JOOQ functionality will 
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> used by application users and not developers, albeit without directly 
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> JOOQ java API. My app takes this case into the extreme, because my 
>>>>>> Jupiter
>>>>>> Notebook Kernel will also allow execute standard java code (besides SQL
>>>>>> execution) to further process SQL results (java code execution will be
>>>>>> definitely available *without *JOOQ libraries in classpath).
>>>>>> Therefore the essential question is, if the license cost will be counted
>>>>>> per developer or per app user for my app.
>>>>> We have your use-case covered in our licensing FAQ:
>>>>> https://www.jooq.org/legal/licensing/#faq-commercial
>>>>> All developers who use the jOOQ API will need to be licensed. If your
>>>>> users do not use the jOOQ API directly, they profit from the free, 
>>>>> included
>>>>> distribution right that every license ships with. Even if they write SQL
>>>>> code that you parse via the jOOQ API, our current license considers such
>>>>> users non-developers with respect to the jOOQ license and jOOQ API. In a
>>>>> similar way, frontend developers who only code JavaScript and call 
>>>>> services
>>>>> that use jOOQ behind the scenes do not need a license, if the jOOQ API is
>>>>> not exposed through the services.
>>>>> So, you need as many licenses as there are developers working with
>>>>> jOOQ on your own software.
>>>>> Note, should you need to expose the jOOQ API to your users, we usually
>>>>> negotiate an OEM license that is not covered by our standard price plans.
>>>>> Alternatively, you could ship the jOOQ Open Source Edition and let your
>>>>> users purchase runtime licenses from us directly.
>>>>>> Possibility to create "universal report" (by using standard,
>>>>>> translatable SQL) executable on any supported database with the same 
>>>>>> schema
>>>>>> is one of the amazing features, which are possible to do with JOOQ. There
>>>>>> are a lot of applications, which support multiple databases (e.g. like 
>>>>>> JIRA
>>>>>> internally using Hibernate) and the possibility for company to create
>>>>>> universal report executable on any db engine is one of the big 
>>>>>> "sellpoints"
>>>>>> of my proposal. There are also other nice features possible, like static
>>>>>> validation of existing SQL queries (reports) when schema is upgraded etc.
>>>>>> But if it makes any significant change in JOOQ licensing for me I am 
>>>>>> ready
>>>>>> to postpone this feature for now and not to present it as planned for 
>>>>>> first
>>>>>> version (I am planning to start Kickstarter project for it), and use JOOQ
>>>>>> only for database metadata analysis tool and native SQL execution 
>>>>>> wrapper.
>>>>> I'm happy to hear more about the details of that use case, but as I
>>>>> can tell right now, this doesn't sound like something that would modify
>>>>> your licensing situation - as long as your users do not work *directly*
>>>>> with the jOOQ API.
>>>>> *For the avoidance of doubt* (as this is a public mailing list that
>>>>> is archived), my responses are valid today on July 25, 2019 given the
>>>>> current jOOQ License and Maintenance Agreement
>>>>> https://www.jooq.org/legal/180607_jOOQ_License_and_Maintenance_Agreement.pdf
>>>>> --
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