On 2019-10-22 11:13, Lukas Eder wrote:
Have you considered exposing or using the JDBC escapes like
TIMESTAMPDIFF and then leave it up to the driver to provide the
translation? That does assume that drivers implement those JDBC
but it is required for the Java EE support level of a driver.

I really don't like those escapes.

To be honest, I never use them. I only know about them for the fun (not entirely ironic) I had (re)implementing them in Jaybird.

1) They're very poorly supported
2) They're very incomplete (why are there escapes for 1-2 features,
but not the gazillion other ones?)

As I understand it, historically they are derived from ODBC (like a lot of other things in JDBC). I guess that when writing the first ODBC specification they took a cross-section of what most databases at that time had in some form or another, and came up with escapes for those features to allow a unified access. JDBC just copied that. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/odbc/reference/appendixes/odbc-escape-sequences?view=sql-server-ver15 and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/odbc/reference/appendixes/appendix-e-scalar-functions?view=sql-server-ver15 and compare that against the JDBC specification.

From the perspective of JDBC, there probably won't be new JDBC escapes, except something in the next JDBC revision (whenever that arrives) to mark sections of SQL as 'pass-through' without processing to address parser problems for drivers of databases where the native parameter marker is not a question mark, where parts of their syntax also uses question marks.

The primary opinion from the JDBC EG is that databases should use SQL standard syntax.


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