
I am new to JOOQ and I love it so far. I plan to migrate a quarkus 
hibernate application to JOOQ to get more control over the queries executed 
against my postgres database.

I however don't know what happens in the following example with my 
generated ID field. It doesn't get mapped into my POJOS:

This is my user table:
create table if not exists "user"
id bigint primary key generated always as identity,
created_at timestamp with time zone default now() not null,
keycloak_id varchar(36) not null unique,
username varchar(255) not null unique

And this is my POJO:

data class User(
val id: Long? = null,
var keycloakId: String = "",
var createdAt: OffsetDateTime? = null,
var username: String = "",

And I have some logic to get a user by id:
fun loadUserById(id: Long): User {
with(db.dslContext) {
return select()
?: throw RuntimeException("User with $id not found")

This fetches the user and i can see that the id is being set in the record. 
But it doesn't get mapped to my User POJO, all other columns are mapped 

[image: pojo_mapping.png]

Any ideas what I am doing wrong? 

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