I have just finished transitioning the export functionality on some 
existing code from multiple .csv-files to an .ods multisheet spreadsheet.
The implementation was a breeze with the great toolbox provided by the 
jOpenDocument library -- so firstly a big thank you to all the developers.

The only issue I am having is the memory footprint of the spreadsheet 
With a java maximum heap size of 196MiB, i run into heap errors when trying 
to create spreadsheets with more than ~150 000 entries. This corresponds to 
around 1kiB of heap memory per entry. 

For my uses, I need to reduce the memory footprint, and hope that this 
could be possible, at least for my use-case where I am storing simple 
un-formatted numbers and strings?

Does anyone have an idea for a strategy I could pursue to enable 
jOpenDocument to handle large unformatted spreadsheets? Can I for instance 
disable per-cell styling, and would this help?


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