
Maarten Deen wrote:
> I've got the slippymap plugin which works fine when downloading tiles, but 
> for 
> every tile that I want to make a render request for it displays "error 
> requesting update" in the tile.
> Is this a general problem in the plugin or is there anything I can do to fix 
> this?

The submit URL is hard-coded and it had changed in the mean time. 
Download a new version of the slippymap plugin and try again!

Cc to spaetz: Could I get back the old one-line, text-only tile status 
call (like http://tah.openstreetmap.org/Browse/details/tile/2/2/1/ but 
with return data in a machine-readable way)? The slippy map plugin has 
an option for downloading and displaying these if desired.


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