
I'm glad you found the icons helpful.  Just to say that the last
version is now in svn
and the version on the sjjb.co.uk website is out of date.  The version
in svn contains quite a lot more icons and various improved scripts
for generating png icons - generatemapniksymbols.sh and
generatecategoryicons.sh most likely already do what you need.


On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 12:11 AM, Christoph Eckert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> more or less by accident, I tried to give some of the preset icons a
> transparent background. To achieve this, I copied over some icons from
> mappaint first, as mappaint icons often need a background color due to the
> [default] black background in JOSM.
> I converted many icons to B&W, as black is beautyful - just kidding. I got
> some momochrome icons I found much more "readable" at 16x16 than the previous
> ones. I might be wrong, though. I used some PD icons as found on
> commons.wikipedia.org, and some from
> http://www.sjjb.co.uk/mapicons/
> The latter source contains a converter script
> http://www.sjjb.co.uk/mapicons/SJJBMapIconsv0.01/generateicons.sh
> which simply uses sed to derive various color schemes from the svg files. I
> wonder if we could use a similar script to derive the preset and mappaint
> icons from the same source automatically instead of doing it manually.
> Needs some consideration about the file naming and folder structure. I'm for a
> completely flat structure in various folders for various styles. The script
> then could derive subfolders for the different styles ("White on
> white", "Blue on blue", "Black on black" and so on).
> Just my two cents,
> ce
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