2009/11/24 Alan Mintz <alan_mintz+...@earthlink.net>:
> At 2009-11-24 01:47, andrzej zaborowski wrote:
>>I have heard on IRC that Potlatch bends the API slightly to get these
>>images.  However, the only area Yahoo has better resolution than z=1
>>is the US where the imager comes from another source (calles USGS I
>>think) that can be used as a WMS directly so there's little gain from
>>being able to get it through Yahoo.
> Can you be more specific? I can use the "Terraserver Urban" imagery down to
> the 25m zoom level, but only in some urban areas (not the area I'm
> currently working on). The "Terraserver aerial" imagery won't load below
> 100m zoom level, and is too low-res to be useful for detailed mapping. Are
> you saying there's another source of 25m zoom imagery, or a way to get the
> imagery that Yahoo uses, other than through Yahoo?

Apparently I was wrong and Yahoo is not using USGS or not USGS alone
in the US because like Frederik indicated there are places Yahoo has
coverage where USGS doesn't have.  I may have misinterpreted something
that was said on irc.


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