On 3/4/10 11:54 AM, Alan Mintz wrote:
> At 2010-03-03 14:31, Richard Welty wrote:
>   >On 3/3/10 4:29 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
>   >>  Alan Mintz wrote:
>   >>
>   >>>  A similar problem exists with some landuse=* ways that
>   >>>  people have glued to roads.
>   >>>
>   >>  I'd call that a bit of an error:  Clearly that landuse doesn't
>   >>  continue all the way out to the street centerline.
>   >>
>   >but for people using josm w/the validator who are not aware of the issue,
>   >they are told that the duplicate nodes are an error, and there's a
>   >convenient
>   >fix button right there.
> Sounds like the validator should take into account the type of features in
> this case, right? I'm all for joining nodes of like feature types (like
> landuse to landuse), but it shouldn't tell you (let you?) join landuse to
> highway.
i would agree with you. not being familiar with internals in this case, 
i don't know how
hard that would be to adjust. however, at a minimum, there probably 
ought to be some
sort of documentation/help option available for errors and warnings so a 
newish user
can get immediate feedback on whether a fix is advisable,  maybe right 
leading to a text help dialog?
>    From a technical standpoint, the land parcels do indeed usually extend out
> to the centerline of the roadway, but an easement is granted to the
> city/county/state for the road, utilities, etc., and the area within the
> easement may not be built upon by the landowner. IMO, that should exclude
> the area within the easement from the landuse boundary.
and from a practical point of view, this is how they are in the database 
at the present time; nodes
for landuse/areas are at the same locations as nodes in highways.


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