On Wed, 10 Mar 2010, Sebastian Klein wrote:

> We are fixing bugs for 2 months now, so time can't be the issue. We have
> to clearly identify the bugs that need to be fixed, then just do it and
> move on. The new stuff is probably piling up in the local repositories,
> this stagnation is quite annoying.

Also there seems to be some central drawing and data loss issues.

As said I have little time to do deep investigations, but:
- I see the bug reports and see little progress in reduction
- Whenever I start JOSM myself I detect serious issues still existing or
- We have really lots of open core bugs
- Discussions show me there are still issues which should be fixed before
   doing fancy new stuff
- Plugin handling still does not work as reliable as it did before (does
   e.g. not load plugins from system files - see bugreport recently created).
   This is a very central component and must work reliable.

So my feeling is: JOSM is not stable enough. If you and other more active 
users reach a consensus that my feeling is false, then I will accept that 
and we can move on.

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