> Hi Stéphane!
>  > I have create a plugin to simply convert a area into a multipolygon.
> Have you considered adding it to the original multipolygon plugin?

For my original multipolygon plugin I plan to add some of the advanced
multipolygon features (like correctly handling outer way not being a
single way, but string of ways forming a loop - to bypass the 2000
nodes/way limit)

I think if that would be added, then these cases could be then solved too.

First, it would try to group all unclosed ways into closed loops, then
do the same as previously, just internally working with bunches of
ways instead of single ways when determining what is outer way and
what inner.

Questing is how to handle tags in this case - current code does not
care about them, but it could be useful to move the tags from ways to
relation (but what if tags differ?)


>  I noticed that it shows on error if you try to execute it on a selection
>  like the one you have described.
>  It would be nice if it would not show an error message but instead run
>  the code that you wrote especially for this case!
>  PS: Thanks for the work.
>  __
>  Sebastian
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