Re: Git -my personal bias is to retain SVN because Git is not yet 
Windows-friendly, although there is at least one implementation that works 
somewhat on Windows.

>What you'd do is:
>  1. check out the repository on the mirror branch (default)
> 2. Add git-svn metadata: 
> 3. branch from the mirror branch: git checkout mirror && git
>checkout -b some/silly-branch-name
>  3. *hack on the train*
>  4. Use git-rebase to apply only your commits (none of the mirror
>stuff) to master
>  5. git svn dcommit
>So git-svn makes things a lot harder, since you're always speaking in
>a foreign language and translating between two fundamentally
>incompatible systems.

   If these steps are just lines in a shell command, it's all part of the 
pull - dev - push process.    The JOSM development process normally doesn't 
include the killer advantage of distributed version control over SVN: 
branching and merging.   The JOSM development hasn't typically branched, 
although there could be a small development on the v5 branch now if there 
are new killer bugs. 

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