On Wed, 9 Jun 2010, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:

> D>   * Copy the source directly into src. This is fine when you strip them
> D>     down to bare minimum and modify them. If not, the first two approaches
> D>     seem to be better regarding updates.
> Why does 3) require stripping to bare minimum? I'd prefer to import the
> library w/o modifications. We would have problems if we encounter bug in
> it, we won't be able to tell whether this is due to our modification or not.

It does not require. But when I take foreign code and change it, then I 
always strip it down to required minimum. :-)

> I am used to a practice when foreign source is maintained in $REPO/vendor,
> where new releases of foreign source are imported. And this code doesn't
> participate in build. Then it is 'svn merge'd to $REPO/smth/smth/foo and
> optionally modified, if needed, and then used in build. Looks like there is
> no such practice in OSM. Can we introduce it? Would be there a benefit
> comparing to committing .jar?

Currently OSM repo seems to use the ".jar" in "lib" approach. I don't 
think introducing a new method would be helpful.

BTW: there are 3 other bugs in livegps:


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