Am 23.02.2011 15:28, schrieb Mikel Maron:
>> > There is another option:
>> >  * Create links on the desktop, on for each user.
>> >  * Change the link from
>> >    java -jar .../josm-tested.jar
>> >    to
>> >    java -Djosm.home=.../josm-user1 -jar .../josm-tested.jar
>> >
>> > (Replace "..." by the path to the preference folder for user1 and the
>> > path to josm-tested.jar respectively.)
>> >
>> > This will keep the preferences for each user in a separate folder.
>> Or use a script to start josm and delete/replace the config files after
>> exit.
> Thanks for the suggestions but both have a problem. JOSM is set up with
> presets, and tile layers.
> If each user had a different preferences file, or the config got deleted
> each time, we'd lose those settings too.

Do I get you right that you want to start JOSM all the time with your
predefined setting ?

If yes, I already wrote replace the settings with your predefined after

I do not your operating system but the script should be like this:

* start JOSM
* (after exit) remove JOSM preference folder
* copy your predefined preference folder in place

Only thing you should do from time to time is to replace your predefined
folder with an up to date preference folder because the preference
slightly changes sometimes.

> Wondering about --D. I assume java is passing that into josm as an
> environment variable?

There are variables for java and there even exist some for JOSM itself.

- is for java
-- for JOSM

Start JOSM in a console/terminal like:

java -jar .../josm-tested --help

to get some small info.

Hope that helps


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