On Mon, 6 Jun 2011, Federico Cozzi wrote:

I would like to add a few new tags for bicycle shops which have
recently been approved

Here is how the current shop=bicycle preset should look like:

       <item name="Bike Dealer" icon="presets/bike.png" type="node,closedway">
           <link href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop=bicycle";

fi.href="http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Fi:Tag:shop=bicycle"; />
           <label text="Edit Bicycle Shop" />
           <key key="shop" value="bicycle" />
           <text key="name" text="Name" default="" delete_if_empty="true" />
           <check key="service:bicycle:retail" text="Bicycles are sold" />
           <check key="service:bicycle:second_hand" text="Second-hand
bicycles are sold" />
           <check key="service:bicycle:repair" text="Bicycles are repaired" />
           <check key="service:bicycle:rental" text="Bicycles are rented" />
           <check key="service:bicycle:pump" text="Free bicycle pump" />
           <check key="service:bicycle:diy" text="Tools for
do-it-yourself repair (e.g. a bike co-operative)" />
           <check key="service:bicycle:cleaning" text="Bicycles are
washed (for a fee)" />

Can these new presets be added to JOSM built-in presets?

Best add it as patch into a JOSM ticket.

http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)

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