On 11/25/2011 12:07 PM, Valeriy Pekarskyy wrote:
> That are 10 px of the image. Will look what can be done with it.

It is a problem for high resolution images. Distance in screen pixels
would be better IMO.

> 2011/11/25 Paul Hartmann <phaau...@googlemail.com>:
>> On 11/24/2011 10:44 AM, Valeriy Pekarskyy wrote:
>>> I set snap radius to 10px now, so it should be easier to adjust.
>> I snap radius seems to depend on zoom scale.
>>> World files work now, I have commited my changes to svn so anyone who
>>> wants to see the functionality in action can now update plugin from
>>> josm...
>>> Also - I changed wiki of plugin a bit to be up-to-date. Picture with
>>> animation in-action is added too:
>>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/images/2/20/Piclayer_usage.gif
>> I noticed a change for the 'move' tool: It used to keep the size of the
>> image constant (in meters). Now it changes with the distortion of the
>> projection. I guess it's no big deal, as most projections are very flat
>> at large scales. Also, most users will probably expect the new behaviour.
> Can you please be more detail, I cannot get what it means.

Forget this, it's rubbish.


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