On 12/18/2011 04:39 PM, Ian Dees wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Paul Hartmann <phaau...@googlemail.com>wrote:
>> On 12/18/2011 04:04 PM, Jonathan Bennett wrote:
>>> On 18/12/2011 13:46, Dirk Stöcker wrote:
>>>> Working together with the autors of other editors also would be a good
>>>> idea, but until today all such tries failed miserably.
>>> I suspect what this needs is for one person to just go ahead and
>>> implement something, and for the other editor coders to see what they've
>>> done -- similar to how MapCSS got adopted.
>> The lowest hanging fruit would be to share TMS sources:
>> <
>> http://git.openstreetmap.org/potlatch2.git/blob/HEAD:/resources/imagery.xml
>> http://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Maps
>> Both lists are quite long, but have surprisingly little overlap.
>> The format seems to be more or less compatible, in the sense that you
>> could automatically translate from one to the other.
> The format for the JOSM TMS source list is pretty crummy because it was
> trying to fit all the interesting data on one line. Switching to something
> closer to P2's format would probably be a good thing.

It has been changed 4 months ago, to something quite close to P2's xml
list. (see linked page)


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