On Mon, 30 Jan 2012, Josh Doe wrote:

I think it would be useful to create a more user-friendly changelog
for the -tested releases, something which lies between the contents of
the StartupPage and the SVN log. As we seem to be focused on creating
a better experience for new users (e.g. creating expert mode), I think
we need to take the same approach to the changelog.

I would suggest that we create a single set of changes between each
tested release, separating the changes by major/minor enhancements,
and major bugs (leaving minor bugs to be found via tickets). I believe
this would be more helpful for users rather than seeing a long list of
major changes (but missing some minor ones), without any visual
demarcation telling them what has changed from the version they're
using to the last tested.

Has this been discussed or thought about before? I know it would take
some thought to avoid duplication of text (especially translated

If you are volunteering to do, you're welcome to create a wiki page and fill it with contents. Very likely you wont get a lot of help.

I wouldn't expect translations for this page.

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